I am in the process of adding another function (getY()) to a previously working program (#02).
The ultimate purpose of this function is to select values from the vector chromosome and add them to an array (Y), but it currently just adds a dummy value.
I have produced a dummy program (getY.cpp) which processed the array with these dummy values with no problem, and I have updated #02 accordingly to produce #03.
I have listed the code for getY.cpp and #03.cpp at the end of this post.
The changes I made to #02 to produce the listed program (#03) are:
in 'class definition':
update parameters in declaration of init_PM()
add declaration of getY()
in 'function definitions':
add definition for getY()
in 'init function':
amend parameters in heading
add call to getY(), with associated cout<< instruction
in main():
amend parameters in init_PM() declaration
add declaration of array Y
amend parameters in call of init_PM()
block to print out Y[] once the rest of the program has completed
It compiles with no errors and no warnings.
When run when m is 4 or less, the program completes perfectly.
When m=5, the program completes (including the final printout of Y[]), but then I get a windoze "#03.exe has stopped working -> close the program" dialogue box.
When m>5, the program completes the first 5 calls of init_PM properly and then produces this dialogue box during the line
chromosome.resize(chr, vector<int> (2))
- after
cout<<"before ...";
but before
cout<<"...and after";
This seems totally unaffected by any other variable, but m is not involved in the resize line. However, it is the index used during the original definition of the array, which is the bit I am adding. So there is some logic in the idea that the problem lies within the array bit, but then I am left wondering why that bit worked perfectly (with very high values of m>1000) in getY.cpp.
My problem is that I have no idea of where to go from here, or how to debug a windoze error dialogue box.
I am therefore seeking any advice on the next steps I should take to debug my program.
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#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
/////////////////////// class definition
class indiv {
vector<vector<int> > chromosome; // declares 2D vector
char sex;
indiv(){}; //constructor
~indiv(){}; //destructor
int init_PM(indiv &PM, int m, int chr, int z, int Y[], int x);
void expand(int chr); // expands the vector to chr * 2 cells
int set_values(int chr, int z); // fills vector cells with consecutive numbers
void print_out(int chr); // prints out contents of vector to check it has done what is expected
void set_male();
int getY(int Y[], int m, int x, int z);
///////////////// function definitions
int indiv::set_values(int chr, int z) { // enters incremented values to cells of vector chromosome; chr & z are passed from main()
cout<<"before ...";
chromosome.resize(chr, vector<int> (2)); // give vector chr rows and 2 columns
cout<<"and after ...\n";
for (int x=0; x<chr; x++) { // for rows 0 to chr-1 [x]
for (int y=0; y<2; y++) { // for columns 0 to 1 [y]
chromosome.at(x).at(y) =z; // put value z in chromosome[x][y]
z++;}} // increment value of z
return z; // return next value to be used to main()
int indiv::getY(int Y[], int m, int x, int z)
cout<<"Leaving init_PM. z="<<z<<endl;
return z;
} // end of init_PM
void indiv::print_out(int chr) {
for (int x=0; x<chr; x++) {
cout<<x<<" ";
for (int y=0; y<2; y++) {
cout<<chromosome[x][y]<<" ";} // end of y loop
cout<<endl;} //end of x loop
cout<<"sex ="<<sex<<endl<<endl;
void indiv::set_male() {sex='M';}
////////////////// init function
int indiv::init_PM(indiv &PM, int m, int chr, int z, int Y[], int x)
cout<<"In function init_PM\n";
cout<<"calling set_values ...\n";
z=PM.set_values(chr, z); // enter incremented values to cells of vector chromosome; send number of rows (chr) & start value (z); return next start value
cout<<"calling set_male ...\n";
cout<<"calling getY ...\n";
PM.getY(Y, m, x, z);
cout<<"calling print_out ...\n";
PM.print_out(chr); // print out content of vector to check all the above has worked
return z;
////////////////////////// main() starts here
int main() {
// declarations
int init_PM(indiv PM, int m, int chr, int z);
int x; // counter in loops
int chr; // number of pairs of chromosomes
int m; // number of parental males
int z=0; // chromosome counter
int Y[m];
// get initial parameters
cout<<"How many pairs of chromosomes does this species have?\n";
cout<<"Enter number of parental males\n";
// set up initial conditions ... first the parental males
vector<indiv> PM(m); // create m instances of class indiv and call it PM (vector chromosome is empty at this point)
for(x=0; x<m; x++){
z=PM[x].init_PM(PM[x], m, chr, z, Y, x);
cout<<"returned from init_PM("<<x<<"): "<<z<<endl<<endl;
cout<<endl<<endl<<"z = "<<z<<endl;
for (x=0; x<m; x++)
cout<<x<<" "<<Y[x]<<endl;
} // end of main()
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// getY.cpp
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int getY(int Y[], int m, int x, int z)
cout<<"Leaving init_PM. z="<<z<<endl;
return z;
} // end of getY()
int init_PM(int Y[], int m, int x, int z)
z=getY(Y, m, x, z);
return z;
int main()
// declarations
int init_PM(int Y[], int m, int x, int z);
int m=1200;
int Y[m];
int x;
int z=0;
// initialise Y
for(x=0; x<m; x++)
for(x=0; x<m; x++)
cout<<x<<" "<<Y[x]<<endl;
// actions
for(x=0; x<m; x++)
cout<<"Loop "<<x<<", z="<<z<<endl;
z=init_PM(Y, m, x, z);
} // end of x loop
// print Y
for(x=0; x<m; x++)
cout<<x<<" "<<Y[x]<<endl;
} // end main()