diff. bet. c++ and visual c++

can some1 tell me the diff. bet. c++ and visual c++ . . .
plz. . .

i get confuse of this 2. . . hehe. . .
tnx alot. . .

anyway, which is better to use in terms of robot programming?
like creating a simple line follower truck. . .

OneEyeBLack :)
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C++ is a programming language.
Visual C++ is an Integrated Development Environment for C++.

For robot programming or any other programming, it's better to use a programming language than an IDE for a programming language without using the language.

tnx for that info.

can you suggest me what IDE should i use for c++ codes. . . plz...
Actually, Visual C++ Express 2010 is quite good, but it runs on Windows only.

I've heard good things about Code::Blocks as well, and it's not Windows only

I use Netbeans, and I recommend it highly.

Don't use Dev-C++. It's been four years since the last notable update.

Don't use Dev-C++. It's been four years since the last notable update.

wxDev-C++ is its continuation. The last update was February of this year.
wxDev-C++ is [Dev-C++'s] continuation. The last update was February of this year.

Indeed, but I still see millions more recommendations for people to try Dev-C++ than wxDev-C++, and I wanted to just put in that request as a safeguard.

As for how good wxDev-C++ is... I wouldn't know. Sorry.

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wow guys. . .tnx a lot. . .your reply/ies has been helpful to me. . .
i will go and look for those. . .

God Bless. . .

solved. . .
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