This is a cooking game.
What should I do at first?
I had no any idea.
*** Order list ***
Order #1: Cheese burger, preparing, 0’40”
Order #2: Beef burger, cooking, 0’40”
Order #3: Cheese burger, ready to serve, 0’40”
Score: 10
Enter [U] for update, [Q] for Quit, or [1-5] for order:
After input th order number, we will go into the process list
*** Process Order ***
Order # : 1
Burger : Cheese Burger
Status : preparing
Remaining Time : 1'53"
Burger Ingredient List: [B]read, [C]heese, Bee[f], [L]ettuce, [B]read
Burger Key List : bcflb
Please choose [U] for update, [R] for return, or
type correct key list to start cooking:
Also, enter U/u we will have a update and new order generation in a specifically time.
You could start by posting the actual instructions. What you have is sparse and a bit gormless.
Just guessing here. You could start with a menu to order from. I like to put this in a function that loops until you get valid input then only return a valid result.
From this I would use a switch to process the returned value calling different functions for what is needed.
Using the menu and the switch if you have not decided on variables yet this will help you figure out what you will need.
What you have posted gives me the impression you will be dealing with time. Yor two choices at "ctime" or "chrono" either one will work. The header file "chrono" would be the better choice.
Suggestion: you ask the user to enter something like "bcflb". I see this as a potential nightmare checking for all the combinations of upper case and lower case letters and if they got the right order of the letters. It would be much simpler to just use "S" for start and maybe "C" for cancel. You already are using "U" and "R".
From the header file "cctype" you have the functions "std::tolower()" and "std::toupper()" to change the case of a letter to what you want to use in the code.
This whole process works best when you post some code and ask the right question(s).
// .cpp Entry point of program.
// Written //2019
// Finished //2019
// By
// <--- Most comon includes.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <limits>
// Other possibilities.
#include <cctype> // <--- For "std::tolower()" and "std::toupper()"
#include<ctime> // or
#include <chrono>
// --- Add any header files you create.
// <--- Constant global variables.
// <--- Prototypes. Sometimes I put this in a seperate header file.
char MainMenu();
int main()
// <--- Define variables
char menuChoice{};
// <--- Your code here.
menuChoice = MainMenu();
// <--- Keeps console window open when running in debug mode on Visual Studio.
// The next line may not be needed. If you have to press enter to see the prompt it is not needed.
std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n'); // <--- Requires header file <limits>.
std::cout << "\n\n Press Enter to continue: ";
return 0;
char MainMenu()
// your code here.