I have a friend function that overloads the insertion operator to deal with class objects.
I'm confused because I'm not sure how it takes its parameter.
Here's the code.
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std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &stream, Rational rhs){
stream << rhs.numerator << "/" << rhs.denominator ;
return stream;
// one of my overloaded operator functions..
Rational Rational::operator+(int rhs){
int tempN = (rhs * denominator) + numerator;
int tempD = denominator;
return Rational(tempN, tempD);//if this is my return, how is it passed in
Is my return in the + function incorrect, or can that work somehow?
Thank you.
I should point out that I can't mess with the declaration of the functions. Just the code inside.
> I'm not sure how it takes its parameter. std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &stream, Rational rhs)
`rhs' is passed by copy, ¿is that what you're asking?
> t I can't mess with the implementation of the functions. Just the code inside.
the implementation is the code inside...