how to become a framerate pimp

closed account (N8MNAqkS)
Is there a #include library that holds some functions that can allow me to control the framerate of the screen.
The C++ libraries don't understand anything about the screen, that is what 3rd party/OS libraries are for.

How you deal with the screen depends on what OS your app is targeting. The Win32 API has functions and structures for working with console output.
closed account (N8MNAqkS)
how do I use the win32 API.
1. Get a compiler or integrated development environment that can create Win32 API apps.

Since Windows and the Win32 API are a product of Microsoft using the free Community edition of Visual Studio is a good bet. VS 2017 or VS 2019.

Another IDE that does a credible job is Code::Blocks.

2. Expect a lot of hard work and time used to track down the parts of the Win32 API that deal with the console. Using the console for output placement, colors, etc. is not something that most Windows programmers do. So there are not easy to read beginners tutorials. Most Win programmers deal with the Win app framework.

Here's a link to get you started:

Another link that briefly touches on the basics of working with the console:

Not that working with the Win32 API is C++ easy or quick to learn for Windows GUI apps. It is a huge framework.

The console functions are a very small subset of the entirety that is Win32. Add on the new APIs for creating Windows apps to run on multiple devices -- desktops or mobile devices -- and there is a lot more to learn.

Almost too much to learn for a single sentient being's lifetime.
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2. There are regulars here who have a good grasp on the inner workings of using the console with Win32 API. Maybe they'll notice and offer up their expertise.
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