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#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
// test code
void testLinkedList();
namespace LinkedList {
class Node {
const std::string value; // The data held by the LinkedList
std::unique_ptr<Node> next; // unique_ptr to the next node
Node* prev; // raw (non-owning) ptr to the previous node
Node() : value(), next(nullptr), prev(nullptr) {}
// construct a node with string value, a unique_ptr to the next node, and a pointer to the previous node
Node(const std::string& value, std::unique_ptr<Node> next, Node* prev)
: value(value)
, next(std::move(next))
, prev(prev)
// We can use the default destructor, since unique_ptr takes care of deleting memory
~Node() = default;
// return the value of the node
std::string getValue() const { return value; }
// return a raw (non-owning) pointer to the next node
Node* getNext() const { return next.get(); }
// return a raw (non-owning) pointer to the previous node
Node* getPrev() const { return prev; }
// write the value of the node to the ostream
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const Node & node);
friend class LinkedList;
class LinkedList {
// ptr to the first node
std::unique_ptr<Node> head;
// a raw pointer to the last node, the last node is always a dummy node
// this is declared as a const ptr to a Node, so that tail never can
// point anywhere else
Node* const tail;
//create the dummy node, and make tail point to it
: head(std::make_unique<Node>())
, tail(head.get())
~LinkedList() = default;
//if next is a nullptr (i.e. head is the dummy node), the list is emtpy
bool isEmpty() const { return !head->next; }
//return a pointer to first element
Node* begin() const { return head.get(); }
//return a pointer to beyond-end element
Node* end() const { return tail; }
// The insert function takes a pointer to node (pos) and a string (value). It creates a new
// node which contains value. The new node is inserted into the LinkedList BEFORE the
// node pointed to by pos.
Node* insert(Node *pos, const std::string& value);
// The find function traverses the linked list and returns a pointer to the first node
// that contains the value given.
// If the value isn't in the list, find returns a pointer to the dummy node at the end
// of the list.
Node* find(const std::string& value);
// The remove function takes a pointer to a node, and removes the node from the list. The
// function returns a pointer to the element after the removed node.
Node* remove(Node* pos);
// The remove function takes a string and removes the first node which contains the value.
void remove(const std::string& value);
// write a string representation of the list to the ostream
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const LinkedList& list);
}// namespace LinkedList