I am having trouble figuring out how to transfer the results from "menu2()" and using that information in "Sell_coffee()." Some comments were made from previous help, but I am not well versed enough to know what arguments need to be made to call that information in the other function. I also know some things need to be renamed to as to not be so confusing (e.g. x, y, a). I'd appreciate any help. Thanks!
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
usingnamespace std;
void menu();
void menu2();
void Sell_coffee();
void Show(int y); //(int cups)
void Show(float x); //(float ounces)
void Show(double a); //(double money)
int main()
cout << "Welcome to the coffee shop!\n";
void menu()
int choice, cups = 0;
float ounces = 0;
double money = 0;
cout << "\n::Please select from the following menu:\n"
<< "\n1. Buy Coffee\n"
<< "2. Show the total cups of coffee that has been sold\n"
<< "3. Show how many ounces of coffee has been sold\n"
<< "4. Show the total amount of money the coffee shop has made\n"
<< "5. Exit\n"
<< "\nEnter Choice: ";
cin >> choice;
while (choice != 5)
switch (choice)
case 1: Sell_coffee();
case 2: Show(cups);
case 3: Show(ounces);
case 4: Show(money);
default: cout << "\nPlease try again\n";
cout << "\n::Please select from the following menu:\n"
<< "\n1. Buy Coffee\n" //Sell coffee in any size and any number of cups
<< "2. Show the total cups of coffee that has been sold\n" //Display the total number of cups sold of each size
<< "3. Show how many ounces of coffee has been sold\n" //Display the total amount of coffee sold (in ounces)
<< "4. Show the total amount of money the coffee shop has made\n" //Display the total money made
<< "5. Exit\n"
<< "\nEnter Choice: ";
cin >> choice;
void menu2()
//All these variables are destroyed when the function call is over. Meaning Any information saved in them will be gone.
//Consider making the variables in int main() and using them as arguments or making global variables
int choice2;
float ounces;
string size;
double money;
cout << "\n::What size coffee:\n"
<< "\n1. Small\n"
<< "2. Medium\n"
<< "3. Large\n"
<< "\nEnter Choice: ";
cin >> choice2;
if (choice2 == 1)
size = "Small";
ounces = 9;
money = 1.75;
elseif (choice2 == 2)
size = "Meduim";
ounces = 12;
money = 1.90;
elseif (choice2 == 3)
size = "Large";
ounces = 15;
money = 2.00;
cout << "Invalid input\n";
void Sell_coffee()
float cups = 0;
double money = 0;
//Money should be dependant on the size of the drink
//You can send the value of "Money" from menu2 to this function through an argument
cout << "How many cups would you like? \n";
cin >> cups;
money = money * cups;
void Show(int y)
cout << "The total number of cups sold is " << y << endl;
void Show(float x)
cout << "The total number of ounces sold is " << x << endl;
void Show(double a)
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
cout << "The total amount of money the coffee shop has made is $" << a << endl;
I went overboard. I wanted to only explain, but I ended up simply writing the whole code so it would work as intended.
I commented out your code when it shouldn't be there.
Anyway, to explain. You kept making local variables. Local variables have their values disappear as soon as you're done with that function. So I got rid of your local variables for ounces, money, and cups and made them GLOBAL variables. This way, you can edit them and they'll stay the same value throughout the program unless changed. By using them this way, you can keep track of the TOTAL money/ounces/cups.
I made a few local variables (which I passed by reference) in order to do some calculations with them.
Look at the code and learn from it. Try to make your code work by doing something different to really benefit. What I did was only one way to solve it. If there's something you don't understand, let me know.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
usingnamespace std;
void menu();
void menu2(double &Heremoney, float &Hereounces); //Added Arguments
void Sell_coffee();
/*void Show(int y); //(int cups)
void Show(float x); //(float ounces)
void Show(double a); //(double money)*/
//You have 3 functions named "Show". Each one does a different thing so you don't want the program to choose the wrong one.
//Therefore, Simply Change the names of these functions
void Show1(int y);
void Show2(float x);
void Show3(double a);
//^That way you're not guessing which function will be called.
double money = 0; //Declared here Instead So That You Can Keep Track Of The Money You Make Throughout The Program
float ounces = 0; //Same Reason - To keep track of all ounces sold
int cups = 0;
int main()
cout << "Welcome to the coffee shop!\n";
void menu()
//Instead of making them here, make them in Global Scope Or Continue To Pass It to Functions Through Arguments
//So That They Aren't Accidently Destroyed Before The End Of The Program
//int choice, cups = 0;
int choice = 0; //Made variable cups in global scope
//float ounces = 0; //Not Being Used As Intended - Doesn't keep track of any ounces
//double money = 0; //Not Being Used As Intended - DOES NOT KEEP TRACK OF ANY MONEY
cout << "\n::Please select from the following menu:\n"
<< "\n1. Buy Coffee\n"
<< "2. Show the total cups of coffee that has been sold\n"
<< "3. Show how many ounces of coffee has been sold\n"
<< "4. Show the total amount of money the coffee shop has made\n"
<< "5. Exit\n"
<< "\nEnter Choice: ";
cin >> choice;
while (choice != 5)
switch (choice)
case 1: Sell_coffee();
case 2: Show1(cups); //Renamed Functions
case 3: Show2(ounces);
case 4: Show3(money);
default: cout << "\nPlease try again\n";
cout << "\n::Please select from the following menu:\n"
<< "\n1. Buy Coffee\n" //Sell coffee in any size and any number of cups
<< "2. Show the total cups of coffee that has been sold\n" //Display the total number of cups sold of each size
<< "3. Show how many ounces of coffee has been sold\n" //Display the total amount of coffee sold (in ounces)
<< "4. Show the total amount of money the coffee shop has made\n" //Display the total money made
<< "5. Exit\n"
<< "\nEnter Choice: ";
cin >> choice;
void menu2(double &Heremoney, float &Hereounces) //Take Arguments To Save Data To Variables For Use In "Sell_coffee"
//Pass By Reference So Values Change For The Variables Passed In
//All these variables are destroyed when the function call is over. Meaning Any information saved in them will be gone.
//Consider making the variables in int main() and using them as arguments or making global variables
//The variable "money" will NOT write to the variable money in menu() - Same With ouncess
//They are considered two different variables since both were declared and within different functions
int choice2;
//float ounces;
string size;
//double money;
cout << "\n::What size coffee:\n"
<< "\n1. Small\n"
<< "2. Medium\n"
<< "3. Large\n"
<< "\nEnter Choice: ";
cin >> choice2;
if (choice2 == 1)
size = "Small";
Hereounces = 9; //Now Will Save To Local Variable
Heremoney = 1.75; //Now Will Save To Local Variable
elseif (choice2 == 2)
size = "Meduim"; //Spelling Error "Medium"
Hereounces = 12;
Heremoney = 1.90;
elseif (choice2 == 3)
size = "Large";
Hereounces = 15;
Heremoney = 2.00;
cout << "Invalid input\n";
void Sell_coffee()
//float cups = 0;
//Make Local Variables To Work With
int Herecups = 0;
double Heremoney = 0;
float Hereounces = 0;
//double money = 0;
//Money should be dependant on the size of the drink
//You can send the value of "Money" from menu2 to this function through an argument
menu2(Heremoney, Hereounces);
cout << "How many cups would you like? \n";
cin >> Herecups;
money += Heremoney * Herecups; //To save Total Money Made
ounces += Hereounces * Herecups; //I ASSUME YOU NEED TO KEEP TRACK OF TOTAL OUNCES TOO?
cups += Herecups; //Keep Track Of Total Cups Sold
//money = money * cups;
//Renamed Functions
void Show1(int y)
cout << "The total number of cups sold is " << y << endl;
void Show2(float x)
cout << "The total number of ounces sold is " << x << endl;
void Show3(double a)
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
cout << "The total amount of money the coffee shop has made is $" << a << endl;
I forgot to change the condition for the while loop! Again, the while loop now allows for ANY input other than 5. You want it to only accept input between 1 and 4.