Global Var & multifunction
Mar 11, 2019 at 1:59am UTC
well as my class makes there foray into Chapter 6 this assignment has me stuck
i can easily accomplish the task in one function
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#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
//Global Constants
const double gravity=9.8;
int main()
double distance; // Decalaring variables
char again;
int Time;
do {
cout << "Enter time(seconds) " << ": " ;
cin >> Time;
distance = .5*(::gravity*(Time*Time));
system("cls" ); //clears the output screen
cout << setw(18) << left<< "Time: " << Time << " seconds" << endl;
cout << setw(18) << left << "Distance: " << distance << " meters" << endl;
cout << "Would you like to try another number? \n" ;
cin >> again;
again = toupper(again);
while ((again != 'Y' ) && (again != 'N' )) //ERROR TRAP
cout << "ERROR: Enter Y/N: " ;
cin >> again;
again = toupper(again);
} while (again == 'Y' ); // Repeats loop
system("pause" );
return 0;
but when i go to break it up into multiple functions as req by the assignment the variables are not transferring over.
the error codes im getting are:
C++ no instance of function template "std::distance" matches the required type(E0386)
'void DisplayOutput(double,double)': cannot convert argument 1 from 'iterator_traits<_Iter>::difference_type (__cdecl *)(_InIt,_InIt)' to 'double' A4 Falling distance *a4 falling distance\a4 falling distance\source.cpp (c2664)
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Assignment #4
The purpose of this assignment to is determine the distance an object falls in a given time
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
//Global Constants
const double gravity(9.8);
void getData(int &);
double fallingDistance(double );
void DisplayOutput(double ,double );
int main()
int ti;
double distance;
char again;
DisplayOutput(distance, ti);
cout << "Do you like to continue (y/n) ? " ;
cin >> again;
again = toupper(again);
while ((again != 'Y' ) && (again != 'N' )) //ERROR TRAP
cout << "ERROR: Enter Y/N: " ;
cin >> again;
again = toupper(again);
} while (again=='Y' );
// Repeat process
system ("pause" );
return 0;
void getData(int &ti)
cout << "enter the time in seconds" ;
cin >> ti;
double fallingDistance(double distance)
int ti;
double gravity;
distance = .5*(gravity*(ti*ti));
return distance;
void DisplayOutput(double distance, double ti)
// Display output
system("cls" ); //clears the output screen
cout << "Income : " << setw(8) << ti << "seconds" << endl;
cout << "Distance : " << setw(8) << distance << " meters" << endl;
Last edited on Mar 11, 2019 at 2:58am UTC
Mar 11, 2019 at 3:02am UTC
huzzah apparently all i needed was a good adult beverage now to fix the math...
so my new problem is that the distance always outputs as the below number regardless of input
Income : 10seconds
Distance : -9.25596e+61 meters
Do you like to continue (y/n) ?
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#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
//Global Constants
const double g=9.8;
void getData(int &);
double fallingDistance(double );
void DisplayOutput(double &,double );
int main()
int time;
double d1;
char again;
cout << "Do you like to continue (y/n) ? " ;
cin >> again;
again = toupper(again);
while ((again != 'Y' ) && (again != 'N' )) //ERROR TRAP
cout << "ERROR: Enter Y/N: " ;
cin >> again;
again = toupper(again);
} while (again=='Y' );
// Repeat process
cout << "Press ENTER to quit." ;
return 0;
void getData(int &seconds)
cout << "enter the time in seconds" ;
cin >> seconds;
double fallingDistance(double dis)
int ti;
dis = .5*(g*(ti*ti));
return dis;
void DisplayOutput(double &distance, double time)
double getData(time);
double fallingDistance(distance);
// Display output
system("cls" ); //clears the output screen
cout << "Income : " << setw(8) << time << "seconds" << endl;
cout << "Distance : " << setw(8) << distance << " meters" << endl;
Last edited on Mar 11, 2019 at 3:21am UTC
Mar 11, 2019 at 2:16pm UTC
any help here would be appreciated still stuck here
Mar 11, 2019 at 3:15pm UTC
In fallingDistance(...) you do not modify the parameter (as in getData(...)). Instead you return the value which is better.
Line 67 does not call the function getData(...). Instead it creates a local variable with that name. The same applies to line 68: No function call but instead a local variable.
So change fallingDistance(...) to:
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double fallingDistance(int ti double dis)
int ti;
dis = .5*(g*(ti*ti));
return dis;
Then line 73 would be:
cout << "Distance : " << setw(8) << fallingDistance(time)distance << " meters" << endl;
Mar 11, 2019 at 9:23pm UTC
Thanks coder77 i was able to fix it with that explanation
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