I have a palindrome function that returns true if a word can be spelled the same way backwards as it is forward. The function works but I need to make it so it is not case sensitive. So, aBbA should return true. I have tried using the toupper function to correct this and it is not working. I put the toupper() in a cout statement to observe its value and it looks like its giving me an address instead of the char values.
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bool isPalindrome(constchar* inString)
char* start = (char*)inString; // assign 1st address of inString to start and truncate const
char* end = start + strlen(inString) - 1;// assign 1st address + last address to end
while (start < end) { // ist address < last address
cout << toupper(*inString);
if (*start != *end) // 1st char != last char as they increment toward each other.
start++; // increment to next address
end--; // decrement to next address
I have tried using an additional while loop before the first one and this didn't work either.
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while (*inString != NULL) {
I figured it out.
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while (*start != NULL) {
*start = toupper(*start);