I am working on creating a Game of Life in C++ for my Data Structures course. I've been stuck on this for a few days and am officially stumped. I am having trouble with passing the values of my height and width variables between classes. In the FileParser class, the values print correctly (5,7), but when I pass and print those same values, they are both 0. Then when they are passed into main, they print (8,0). I’ve attempted multiple solutions but I am stumped. From looking at my code and around the internet there should not be a problem there? Also, if I uncomment line 41, I get a Segmentation fault after the first iteration of the for loop.
I apologize for the lengthy code it is just because the retrieval and passing of the values require multiple classes and functions.
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#include "UserIO.h"
#include "FileParser.h"
#include "ClassicMode.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main (int argc, char** argv)
// initialize new class instances
UserIO user;
cout << "test main 1" << endl; // delete later
ClassicMode cm;
int boundMode = user.BoundMode();
cout << "test main 2" << endl; // delete later
int height = user.h;
cout << "test main 3" << endl; // delete later
int width = user.w;
cout << height << " main height" << endl; // delete later
cout << width << " main width" << endl; // delete later
cout << "test main 4" << endl; // delete later
// Classic Mode
if (boundMode == 1)
// I can finish this function once this problem is resolved
cout<< "test main 5" <<endl; // delete later
// iterate through grid for r and c
for (int r = 0; r < height; r++)
for (int c = 0; c <= width; c++)
cout<<"test main 6" << " r: " << r << " c: " << c <<endl; // delete later
// cm.classicNeighbors(r, c, height, width);
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#include "FileParser.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;
// opens file from a pre-defined file path
// and checks if that file exists, if not it prompts user for a new file
void FileParser::openFile(string filePath)
while (!inFile.is_open())
cout<<"File cannot be found, name a new file."<<endl;
string newPath;
// get an int from the file line
int FileParser::fpGetInt(string line)
int lineInt;
while (true)
lineInt = stoi(line);
catch(invalid_argument& e)
cout<<"This input is invalid. Please enter an integer. fp1"<<endl;
return lineInt;
// get the dimensions from the map file
void FileParser::findHW(string fileName)
while (!inFile.is_open())
cout<<"File cannot be found, name a new file."<<endl;
string newPath;
string line;
cout<<"test fp 1"<<endl; // delete later
getline(inFile, line);
int rowInt = fpGetInt(line);
cout<<rowInt<<" rowInt fp "<<endl; // delete later
getline(inFile, line);
int colInt = fpGetInt(line);
cout<<colInt<<" colInt fp "<<endl; // delete later
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#include "UserIO.h"
#include "FileParser.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;
int UserIO::GetInt()
int xInt;
string x;
if (cin.fail())
cout<<"This input is invalid. Please enter an integer. userIO 1"<<endl;
while (true)
xInt = stoi(x);
catch(invalid_argument& e)
cout<<"This input is invalid. Please enter an integer. userIO 2"<<endl;
return xInt;
double UserIO::GetDouble()
double y;
if (cin.fail())
cout<<"This input is invalid. Please enter a decimal value between 0 and 1."<<endl;
return y;
void UserIO::Config()
while (true) // loops until a viable input is given
FileParser fp;
cout<<"Would you like to provide a file or use a random configuration?"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter '1' to enter a file path or '2' to use random configuration."<<endl;
int configChoice = GetInt();
double startPop;
if (configChoice == 1)
cout<<"Enter the path of the map file you would like to use: "<<endl;
string filePath;
int h = fp.rowInt;
cout << h << " user IO height "<< endl; // delete later
int w = fp.colInt;
cout << h << " user IO width "<< endl; // delete later
else if (configChoice == 2)
cout<<"What is the height (number of rows) of your world?"<<endl;
int h = GetInt();
cout << h << endl;
cout<<"What is the width (number of columns) of your world?"<<endl;
int w = GetInt();
cout << w << endl;
cout<<"Enter a decimal value between 0 and 1 for the initial population density of your world: "<<endl;
startPop = GetDouble();
while (true) // loops until viable input is given
if (startPop >0 && startPop<1)
cout<<"test userIO 1"<<endl; // delete later
cout<<"This input is invalid."<<endl;
cout<<"Enter a decimal value between 0 and 1 for the initial population density of your world: "<<endl;
startPop = GetDouble();
cout<<"This input is invalid."<<endl;
int UserIO::BoundMode()
int modeInt;
cout<<"What boundary mode would you like to use?"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter '1' for Classic Mode, '2' for Doughnut Mode, or '3' for Mirror Mode."<<endl;
modeInt = GetInt();
// Check if input is valid
if (modeInt != 1 && modeInt != 2 && modeInt != 3)
cout<<"Invalid entry."<<endl;
return modeInt;
The output is this:
Would you like to provide a file or use a random configuration?
Enter '1' to enter a file path or '2' to use random configuration.
Enter the path of the map file you would like to use:
test fp 1
5 rowInt fp
7 colInt fp
0 user IO height
0 user IO width
test main 1
What boundary mode would you like to use?
Enter '1' for Classic Mode, '2' for Doughnut Mode, or '3' for Mirror Mode.
test main 2
test main 3
9 main height
0 main width
test main 4
test main 5
test main 6 r: 0 c: 0
test main 6 r: 1 c: 0
test main 6 r: 2 c: 0
test main 6 r: 3 c: 0
test main 6 r: 4 c: 0
test main 6 r: 5 c: 0
test main 6 r: 6 c: 0
test main 6 r: 7 c: 0
test main 6 r: 8 c: 0
Any help would be appreciated!