For your future reference, social norms, not just online norms, really expect you to show some tact when asking people for stuff. Simply posting "Answer" and the details of your assignment is really a very poorly-worded demand.
Even if you had said, “Can someone write this for me?” would have showed less disdain for everyone here.
Some of us like homework questions. It is always possible someone will do it and simply post what they wrote. It still helps to be polite.
But most of us would rather help you learn. Not avoid learning. Try to solve it yourself. Post back with what you have done, questions about stuff where you get stuck, and we will do our best to help you make sense of it.
If you are so lost that you cannot even get started, you are in the wrong spot. Go visit with your professor and ask him for advice —since his interest also lies in your understanding the course enough to pass.