Hi, I had another questions in regards to a topic I previously posted. I was working on finding the highest and lowest value of a multi-dimensional array which I was able to get help figuring out. I was only able to figure out how to determine the highest and lowest value for each student after all the information was successfully inputted. However, I was wondering if someone could please help me figure out how to determine the highest and lowest value after the information for each student has been inputted. Could someone please help me or give me a hint on how to do this? Below I have inputted the code of the previous code. Thank you
//Ask the user to input the test scores of 5 students for 3 tests.
//Then for each student compute the average test score,
//as well as the student's highest and lowest test score
//and print them out.
#include <iostream>
usingnamespace std;
constint STUDENTS = 5;
constint TESTS = 3;
int main ()
int score[STUDENTS][TESTS];
int s; //Represents students
int t; //Represents tests
int highest;
int lowest;
float Average = 0;
cout << "Input tests scores of 5 students for 3 tests: \n\n";
for (s=0; s < STUDENTS; s++)
int Total = 0;
for (t=0; t < TESTS; t++)
cout << "Student #" << s+1 << " - Test #" << t+1 << ": ";
cin >> score[s][t];
Total += score[s][t];
Average = float(Total) / TESTS;
cout << "The average score is " << Average << endl << endl;
highest = score[0][0];
lowest = score[0][0];
cout << "===============================================================================\n\n";
for (s=0; s < STUDENTS; s++)
for (t=0; t < TESTS; t++)
if(score[s][t] > highest)
highest = score[s][t];
elseif (score[s][t] < lowest)
lowest = score[s][t];
cout << "The highest score for student #" << s+1 << " is " << highest << endl;
cout << "The lowest score for student #" << s+1 << " is " << lowest << endl << endl;
highest = score[s][t];
lowest = score[s][t];
return 0;
If you're wanting to find out the lowest and highest score among the tests, you first have to assume that the highest test score is 0 and the lowest test score is a 100 (assuming max marks of a test is out of 100).
Thank you for the response. My apologies if I didn't explain it well but what I meant to say was I am trying to find the highest and lowest test score per student every time a new the the program displays the information for each student. The program I previously displayed only provides the highest and lowest value for each student after all the information is inputted for all five students, however I wanted the highest and lowest values to be displayed after the information is inputted for each student. I re-arranged the code around so it looks a little more clear. It will display the lowest value however not the highest one.
//Ask the user to input the test scores of 5 students for 3 tests.
//Then for each student compute the average test score,
//as well as the student's highest and lowest test score
//and print them out.
#include <iostream>
usingnamespace std;
constint STUDENTS = 5;
constint TESTS = 3;
int main ()
int score[STUDENTS][TESTS];
int s; //Represents students
int t; //Represents tests
int highest;
int lowest;
float Average = 0;
highest = score[0][0];
lowest = score[0][0];
cout << "Input tests scores of 5 students for 3 tests: \n\n";
for (s=0; s < STUDENTS; s++)
int Total = 0;
for (t=0; t < TESTS; t++)
cout << "Student #" << s+1 << " - Test #" << t+1 << ": ";
cin >> score[s][t];
Total += score[s][t];
if(score[s][t] > highest)
highest = score[s][t];
elseif (score[s][t] < lowest)
lowest = score[s][t];
Average = float(Total) / TESTS;
cout << "The average score is " << Average << endl << endl;
cout << "The highest score for student #" << s+1 << " is " << highest << endl;
cout << "The lowest score for student #" << s+1 << " is " << lowest << endl << endl;
highest = score[s][t];
lowest = score[s][t];
cout << "===============================================================================\n\n";
return 0;
You have to assume that at first, the lowest test score is the highest and the highest is the lowest. Every iteration of the first for loop, reset the lowest and the highest test scores.
//Ask the user to input the test scores of 5 students for 3 tests.
//Then for each student compute the average test score,
//as well as the student's highest and lowest test score
//and print them out.
#include <iostream>
usingnamespace std;
constint STUDENTS = 5;
constint TESTS = 3;
int main ()
int score[STUDENTS][TESTS];
int s; //Represents students
int t; //Represents tests
int highest;
int lowest;
float Average = 0;
// highest = score[0][0]; remove
// lowest = score[0][0]; remove
cout << "Input tests scores of 5 students for 3 tests: \n\n";
for (s=0; s < STUDENTS; s++)
int Total = 0;
highest = 0; // add
lowest = 100; // add
for (t=0; t < TESTS; t++)
cout << "Student #" << s+1 << " - Test #" << t+1 << ": ";
cin >> score[s][t];
Total += score[s][t];
if(score[s][t] > highest)
highest = score[s][t];
elseif (score[s][t] < lowest)
lowest = score[s][t];
Average = float(Total) / TESTS;
cout << "The average score is " << Average << endl << endl;
cout << "The highest score for student #" << s+1 << " is " << highest << endl;
cout << "The lowest score for student #" << s+1 << " is " << lowest << endl << endl;
//highest = score[s][t]; remove
//lowest = score[s][t]; remove
cout << "===============================================================================\n\n";
return 0;
Input tests scores of 5 students for 3 tests:
Student #1 - Test #1: 90
Student #1 - Test #2: 80
Student #1 - Test #3: 70
The average score is 80
The highest score for student #1 is 90
The lowest score for student #1 is 70
Student #2 - Test #1: 65
Student #2 - Test #2: 74
Student #2 - Test #3: 63
The average score is 67.3333
The highest score for student #2 is 74
The lowest score for student #2 is 63
Student #3 - Test #1: 15
Student #3 - Test #2: 0
Student #3 - Test #3: 60
The average score is 25
The highest score for student #3 is 60
The lowest score for student #3 is 0
Student #4 - Test #1: 100
Student #4 - Test #2: 69
Student #4 - Test #3: 66
The average score is 78.3333
The highest score for student #4 is 100
The lowest score for student #4 is 66
Student #5 - Test #1: 64
Student #5 - Test #2: 33
Student #5 - Test #3: 73
The average score is 56.6667
The highest score for student #5 is 73
The lowest score for student #5 is 33