Validating IP Addresses

Good evening good people,

I was given a project to make a basic C# IPv4 address program (WPF). We are to have 5 text boxes (4 for each octet, one multiline textobox for displaying the IP and class). In order to display the IP in the multiline textbox, I would need to first validate the numbers in all 4 textboxes (meaning all mumbers must be >= 0 and <= 255) I know there is a IPAddress.TryParse code you can use, but I am not sure how I can apply it to the 4 textboxes. Help would be very much appreciated! :)
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Cpound isn't c++. Its the redheaded stepchild of java, which is a child of C++ with all the low level and powerful stuff taken out :P The syntax is somewhat related due to the history, but its also quite different.

You have picked a forum for a totally different language, kidding aside. Try a C# forum. You may get help here anyway, but its not your best shot.

I sincerely apologize, I'm still new to this!
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