I'm currently trying to make a blackjack game, and I try to cout different values to check if I'm on the right path. I'm new to classes, and I don't really understand how to use them correctly yet.
But my question is how I can cout vector elements in "playBlackjack()"
I currently get a red line under the "<<" in "playBlackjack()" with the "no operator "<<" matches these operands. Operand types are: std::ostream << Card" error.
You have no overloaded operator << for the class Card. You need one since the vector element you're trying to display is of Card type, or you need a display function within that card class to display its variables
First of all, thanks for answering!
Ah okey, do you have an example on how I can overload the operator << (don't know if I use the terminology correctly, so sorry for that) or how to set up a display function?
I don't understand how to implement the tips:/