Can anybody recommend a site where you can get tutoring through skype for C++? I found a site called but it is not a functioning website.
I don't think you need tutoring, I find that learning programming is best done by reading and coding yourself, little by little. Starting with a "hello world" to bigger and bigger programs. If you're concerned about code reviews there are plenty of sites like this one that do a wonderful job at it, I find.
If by tutoring you mean learning from someone, you have plenty of videos around the internet that take a step by step approach to teaching programming languages, including C++. But I find it personally for learning how to code, reading from textbooks and/or articles and practicing yourself. Even ask for help if you need, there are many people around who are wishing to help, and I think you can get better from that too.
I don't think coding is like any other subject, like history or languages, you can't learn bits here and there to get along, In my own opinion if you want to do a good job or at least a good attempt at coding, you need to understand what you're doing.