My code is quite complex so it is not possible to put it here and explain every thing.
Why generally the values in the some arrays get changed through coding while I have not did that manually?
Any possible reasons?
Try to utilize the const keyword whenever possible.
For example, when you pass an array to a function that should not modify the array, use const like this.
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void doNotChangeArray(constint array[], int size) {
array[0] = 4; // Error - attempting to modify const parameter
int localVar = array[0]; // Acceptable - this is read-only
int main()
int array[3] = {1, 2, 3};
doNotChangeArray(array, 3);
std::cout << array[0];
return 0;
When you have an array as a member variable of a class, you can again use the const keyword to mark a member function as non-mutator, so that function cannot modify the array.