I'm new to the C++ programming world, and I'm not even doing this for homework... I need urgent help, but for now all I need is a code to allow the robot to move forward using Arduino Uno LiquidCrystal Library, Thanks a lot!
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c++ is not aware of arduino. Arduino speaks a dialect of near c++ but not exactly the same language, its just very very similar. C++ is not aware of any robot. Arduino is not aware of any robot. You have to put in the code the awareness of what you are trying to do, its not something so simple as robot.move(10 feet) unless someone else already did that for you?
this is way, way, way above what a beginner needs to be doing. You need to drop back down a notch, get an arduino testing setup, and follow their examples to start to learn how to code for that platform.
You didnt get hired into a job beyond your capabilities by any chance here?