Noob C++ user, output problem

I am trying to make a gpa calculator for a class and I am having trouble figuring out how to convert the character values for the user to input into floats.

using namespace std;

int main()
float A = 4.0;

string G162;
floatG1621 = 0;
cout << "Grade?";
cin >> G162;
if(G162 == "A")
G1621 = 4.0;
cout << G1621 // this is an abbreviated version of the code, but for some reeason it isn't showing the 4

Why not do cin >> floatG1621?

Anyways if you didn't have that option then you can use one of our awesome standard library functions.
From <string> you can use std::stof
this is an abbreviated version of the code

It is indeed. However, if you add the small amount of punctuation to make it compile then it will actually return 4 in response to an input of "A".

So maybe you need to give sufficient code for it (a) to compile; (b) produce the error that you cite.

And please use [code] [/ code] tags (first item on the formatting menu).
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