Queries Help Please

I have a code that is not quite working, it's supposed to show the query but it just copys the last number

using namespace std;
int N;
struct Queue
int inf;
Queue *next;
Queue *head, *tail;
int IsEmptyQ(Queue* h)
return h==NULL;
void CreateEmptyQ(Queue* &h, Queue* &t)
h = t = NULL;
void Put (int x, Queue* &h, Queue* &t)
Queue *q;
q = new Queue;
q -> inf = x;
q -> next = NULL;
if( IsEmptyQ (h))
h = q;
t -> next = q;
t = q;
void Get (int x, Queue* &h, Queue* &t)
Queue *q;
q = h;
h = h -> next;
x = q -> inf;
if (IsEmptyQ(t))
t = NULL;
delete q;
int main()
int x;
for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
cout<<x<<' ';
return 0;
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Although not object oriented, this is some very nice, very clean code.

Get() sets x to the value at the head of the queue, but since x is passed by value, it has no effect on the parameter that you passed in. Change
void Get (int x, Queue* &h, Queue* &t)
void Get (int &x, Queue* &h, Queue* &t)

or maybe change Get to return the value gotten, i.e.
int Get(Queue * &h, Queue *&t);
and change the call accordingly.
Both of the suggestions doesn't work.

When I do the first one it shows me the queue in the order i put it.

And the secons one shows me the last number N-times

But thank you for trying!
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When I do the first one it shows me the queue in the order i put it.

Well, that's what a queue does: first in, first out. What order were you expecting?
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