Help-Background color

Good day
I just finished a new design and have a small problem. I want the background-color: 000; grows with the content and that without a fixed height.
I remove min-height: 500px; the background disappears completely.
1.body {
2.background-color: #151515;
3.font-family: averia_sans_librelight;
3.color: #fff;
thank you
pretend you are not speaking c++ (the language this forum is about) and that we have no clue what you are talking about, what language you are writing, or what you are trying to do. You may be able to get help here, but you should prefer a forum about the language you are using. If that is for some reason not working, try explaining just a bit more what you want.
Hello Lissandragaren3,

I tried your code in an ".html" file and it works.

I do not know if it was a bad copy or an oversight, but after line 3 the closing } is missing.

Note: Although mixing hex and RGB color codes is not a problem it is best to be consistent with what you use. In the future it will make it easier to maintain the code.

Removing "min-height: 500px;" should not cause any problem unless ty took the closing } with it.

Hope that helps,


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