Header files

This is Arun here, i am new to C++ programming. So i just wanted to know the link for the download of header files. For Eg:

They look like ones for Unix/Linux and should already by on your system in /usr/include and your compiler should already know about them......although thinking about it maybe Ubuntu won't have them in which case use the the synaptic package manager to get the headers package.

TCP sockets are quite a big project to take on if you're new to C++.

Good luck
No, actually i am programming a tcp state in C++ using windows, so there fore i needed the header files which are not present in the /usr/include.
I'm not that familiar with the windows API so I don't know for certain, but I don't think these files are valid for windows TCP sockets, I think you need to use the Winsock class.
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You don't use those header files for Windows Sockets.

You need to find a Windows specific sockets tutorial.
If you can please suggest me a link or a book, it would be really very helpful for me.
Any thanks a lot for spending time for me.
A good book I think is:
Beginning Linux Programming
Authors: Neil Matthew and Richard Stones
Publisher: WROX press

I have the 3rd edition, but I think it has now moved onto the 4th edition
I have seen the 2nd edition available on the web as a free pdf - see here
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