I cannot figure out what is wrong with my code. Can someone help me please
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Person
Person(string name, string address,string email, string telephone, string i);
string getname();
string getaddress();
string getemail();
string gettelephone();
string virtual whatami();
string name;
string address;
string email;
string telephone;
string i;
class Student: public virtual Person
Student(string status, string name, string address, string email, string telephone, string i);
string getstatus();
string virtual whatami();
string status;
string i;
class Employee: public virtual Person
Employee(string name, string address, string email, string telephone, string office, int salary, string date, string i);
string getoffice();
int getsalary();
string getdate();
virtual string whatami();
string office;
int salary;
string date;
string i;
class Faculty: public virtual Employee
Faculty(string name, string address, string email, string telephone, string office, int salary, string date, string rank,
string status, string i);
string getrank();
string getstatus();
virtual string whatami();
string rank;
string status;
string i;
class Staff: public Employee
Staff(string name,string address,string email, string telephone,string office,int salary,string date,string position, string i);
string getposition();
virtual string whatami();
string position;
string i;
class StaffST: public Staff, public Student
StaffST(string name,string address, string email, string telephone,string office,int salary,string date,string position,
string status, int credithours, string i);
int getcredithours();
virtual string whatami();
int credithours;
string i;
Person::Person(string name, string address, string email, string telephone, string i)
this -> name = name;
this -> address = address;
this -> email = email;
this -> telephone = telephone;
this -> i = i;
Student::Student(string status, string name, string address, string email, string telephone, string i)
:Person( name, address,email, telephone, i)
this -> status = status;
this -> i = i;
Employee::Employee(string name,string address,string email,string telephone,string office,int salary,string date, string i)
:Person( name,address, email, telephone, i)
this -> office = office;
this -> salary = salary;
this -> date = date;
this -> i = i;
Faculty::Faculty(string name,string address,string email,string telephone,string office,int salary,string date,string rank,
string status, string i):Employee( name,address, email, telephone, office,salary,date,i),Person( name,address, email, telephone, i)
this -> rank = rank;
this -> status = status;
this -> i = i;
Staff::Staff(string name,string address,string email, string telephone,string office,int salary,string date,string position, string i)
:Employee( name,address, email, telephone, office,salary,date,i),Person( name,address, email, telephone, i)
this -> position = position;
this -> i = i;
StaffST::StaffST(string name,string address, string email, string telephone,string office,int salary,string date,string position,
string status, int credithours, string i):Staff( name, address, email, telephone, office,salary, date, position,i)
,Student(status,name,address,email, telephone,i),Person( name,address, email, telephone, i)
this -> credithours = credithours;
this -> i = i;
//Functions for Person
string Person::getname()
cout << "Enter the person's name: ";
return name;
string Person::getaddress()
cout << "Enter the person's address: ";
return address;
string Person::getemail()
cout << "Enter the person's email: ";
return email;
string Person::gettelephone()
cout << "Enter the person's telephone: ";
return telephone;
//Functions for student
string Student::getstatus()
return status;
string Student::whatami()
return i;
// Functions for Employee
string Employee::getoffice()
return office;
int Employee::getsalary()
return salary;
string Employee::getdate()
return date;
string Employee::whatami()
return i;
//Functions for Faculty
string Faculty::getrank()
return rank;
string Faculty::getstatus()
return status;
string Faculty::whatami()
return i;
// Funtions for Staff
string Staff::getposition()
return position;
string Staff::whatami()
return i;
int StaffST::getcredithours()
return credithours;
string StaffST::whatami()
return i;
int main()
string a,b,c, tel, i;
Person P = Person( a, b, c,tel, i);
cout << P.getname()<< endl;
getline(cin, a);
v.push_back(new Person("John Adams","Boston","617-555-0000","john@adams.com", "regular person"));
v.push_back(new Student("John Quincy Adams","Boston","617-555-0000","johnq@adams.com","senior", "student"));
v.push_back(new Staff("Samuel Adams","Boston","617-555-BEER","sam@adams.com","brewhouse 1",1000,"9-15-1764","Brewer","staff"));
v.push_back(new StaffST("Samuel Smith","Boston","617-555-BEER","samsmith@adams.com","brewhouse 5",100,"9-15-1774","Taster","junior",50, "staffSt"));
// Hey - no Faculty object ---> add one yourself!
for (int i=0; i<v.size(); i++)
cout << v.getname() << " " << v[i]-> whatami() << endl;
return 1;