Libraries, working smarter not harder.

I wasted a lot of time this summer just working on the boiler plate necessary to get a text based game working. I want something prefabricated for interactive text in the console to save me the time and frustration. Can someone find me a library, or make a library for me to use? I want to focus on the design of the application at a higher level, without bothering with the ways that I was trying to accomplish: multiple choice, choose your own adventure, ASCII print graphics etc. I know that anything I can try to do as a beginner to get text I/O has probably been optimized by someone more experienced. I want to work smarter and not harder. I would like to also get into simulating physics and math problems in the command line, and again, want to do a better job of making use of what's already been created. Any library recommendations? Also, I haven't installed a library by hand before, can someone better explain this process?
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