How to bridge the gap between newbie and intermediate programmer?

Hi, I'd like to ask experienced programmers for advice on how to proceed.

I've read 1 book on C and 3 books on C++ and browsed innumerable web sites by now and more or less I understand everything superficially.

The thing is that when I try to read some code ( and similar) it still looks like nothing I've seen before. Now I don't know if it's because it's for windows and contains all the code to set up the GUI or because of different programming styles or what (using bit fields or templating).

It's very frustrating and I'd like to ask where would you guys go next.

(I've fully read the tutorials here and at and also read K&R and Sams teach yourself C++.)

Any advice will be welcome, thanx.

You can read some more books like Effective C++ and Modern C++ design to broaden your horizon further.
However, the only way to really learn anything is to do something yourself - create various console programs, programs with a GUI, small games and whatever else you feel like doing. On the way you gain general programming experience and you become familiar with various libraries (GUI libs, WinAPI/*nix system programming/etc.). The reason a lot of code seems foreign to you might be because it makes heavy use of various libraries or (especially on has a heavy Windows taint (if you see stuff like DWORD, HANDLE or LPCSTR in the code, that's a clean hit).
Once you've done similar projects yourself, the code will look more familiar to you.
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Debugging helps me in cases like this. It helps you to see application executing step-by-step to understand flow of logic behind the code.
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