Are you a beginner programmer, or just new to C++? It's easier to find books with exercises if the reader is a beginner.
Which Stroustrup book? (There are at least four.)
Am I buying a book right at the edge before a C++ 17 development phase lands? A lot of these books are for '14 and we're sitting seven weeks from 2019 already. Kinda don't wanna dump the money on a book that's already five years out of date.
If you are new to the language, it is very important that you learn from a resource that teaches C++ using C++11 or newer (what is termed "modern C++"), but it isn't as important that you find a book that's bleeding-edge new. It's
much more important to get a book that has excellent content - something with great reviews from experts.
C++11 was a major change - so major that Stroustrup writes "C++11 feels like a new language" (here: .) While later versions of the language are vastly improved, they still feel similar, and one will be able to pick up the differences without much trouble.
If you haven't seen it already, read this FAQ page:
In particular "what is the best book?":
See also this list
The isocpp link was written by experts; the stackoverflow link has been reviewed by... everyone, at some point in time. The stuff on those pages is pretty well regarded.