OpenGL32-d.lib Not found

I have downloaded a Visual Studio project file from YouTube in hopes of editing and deciphering to help get started with SFML and OpenGL. The entire project folder was put into a .rar which came with everything they had used, including their finished "Release" .exe, header, and source files. After loading the project I linked both "Additional Include Directories" and "Additional Library Directories" to the correct SFML areas, the lib and include folders. The "Additional Dependencies" area under "Input" already has the needed items which carried over from his computer. The project runs fine in release mode but I'm not sure if that's because there is an Executable already built and in the files. The issue comes when switching to Debug instead of Release mode. Visual studio cannot find a few of the additional dependencies, specifically these:


All of these library files I can find on my computer but they are not the debug version, say for instance I can find opengl32.lib, and freetype.lib. I cannot find anywhere online, on my computer, or in any SDK I've downloaded the Debug variant of those libraries. I also at one point couldn't find the regular jpeg.lib as well.

This is the first time that I'm getting involved with custom headers and source files, as well as messing with dependencies and the like. This project and the files it needs could very well be out of date and entirely different processes or .lib's could be used now. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated!
you don't need to debug these most likely, so changing them out for the non-debug versions should work fine for you.
or you can go online and get the debug versions and use them.
Thank you, non-debug versions of OpenGL32 and freetype worked fine. I can not find a jpeg.lib file anywhere online or on my computer and that seems to be the only one I don't have. I will continue searching, thank you for your suggestion. but you may have to compile your own and it may not be what the original used.
Wow, thank you, I forgot I could build my own. Thank you for your help!

I will leave this open for a bit so I can maybe build it and post the result for others.
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Glad to help. Jpeg is ... interesting in and of itself, and also where we are today. Its a great algorithm.
did you know that jpg2000 and other generic wavelet approaches can make it significantly smaller at no additional loss of quality? Its a weird case of we know a better way but don't care to use it, too much established stuff using the old format.
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