How do you find the max/min without arrays

Hi, this forum was very helpful earlier. hopefully you guys can help again. I have to convert the temperatures from farenheight to celcius and then find the max/min temperatures from a .txt file without using arrays. And then output the new temperatures on a .txt file. This is what i have so far.

#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;


double tempF=0, cnt=0, tempC=0, sum=0, average=0, min=0, max=0;

ifstream fin("dataF.txt");


average= sum/cnt;


cout<< "The maximum temperature is "<<max<<endl;
cout<< "The minimum temperature is "<<min<<endl;
cout<< "The average temperature is " <<average<<endl;

ofstream fout("dataC.txt");
fout << tempC;

return 0;

any tips on how to find the max/min. ive tried for hours. thanks!!!

Just initialize min to a high value and max to a low value, then keep track of the smallest/highest value while you read the values.
what do you mean by initialize min to a high value and max to a low value?
Values that are guaranteed to be higher or lower than any value in your file. Just use DBL_MAX and -DBL_MAX for that.
That's not really a programming problem... if someone read 1000 numbers to you, how would you figure out the highest and the lowest? Yeah, it's not any different here.
You could save the first value you read into two variables (max and min) and compare each value as you read. If the value < min, then min = value. Same principle for max.
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