Classes Problems

Hi, can someone help me I'm having a difficult time understanding how to carry out this program

The question is
Write a class called CelsiusToFahrenheit that contains two properties: minimum
and maximum. The properties will store temperature in Celsius. Write setters and
getters for the properties and ensure that when setting the value for minimum it
is not greater than the value of maximum and that when setting the value for
maximum it is not less than the value of minimum. If the values of minimum and
maximum is set to zero you can allow the values to be changed regardless. Create
a method called convert that prints a table of Celsius to Fahrenheit starting at
minimum degrees Celsius to maximum degrees Celsius (the value of the variables
previously set).

I really have no clue how to do this especially the table part
Take it one step at a time.

- Create the class, with the two properties
- Write the setters and getters
- Write the code that performs the validation you've been told to do
- Write the code that outputs the table.

For outputting stuff (since you've mentioned that), see:
I got it
Thank you!
You're welcome :)
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