Sorry if this is bad formatting first time on the website. But I'm trying to make a sample bookstore for an assignment, but for some reason on the second loop my totals do not add up correctly. I have been fiddling with it for the best part of 2 hours and my output always seems to be too high. for instance with a sample output of.
Customer 1
Enter the cost of book:
Enter "h" for HARD COPY, any other key for PAPER_COPY:
Enter "d" if customer receives a discount, any other key if they don't:
Enter "c" to check out another book, any other key to total Customer 1:
Customer 1
Enter the cost of book:
Enter "h" for HARD COPY, any other key for PAPER_COPY:
Enter "d" if customer receives a discount, any other key if they don't:
Enter "c" to check out another book, any other key to total Customer 1:
Customer 1:
Total books checked out: 2
Total before tax and discount: 21.00
Total Sale for Customer 1: 21.20
Welcome to Book Store.
Enter "c" to checkout a new customer, or "q" to close batch and print a daily report.
Customer 2
Enter the cost of book:
Enter "h" for HARD COPY, any other key for PAPER_COPY:
Enter "d" if customer receives a discount, any other key if they don't:
Enter "c" to check out another book, any other key to total Customer 2:
Customer 2:
Total books checked out: 1
Total before tax and discount: 12.00
Total Sale for Customer 2: 11.45
Welcome to Book Store.
Enter "c" to checkout a new customer, or "q" to close batch and print a daily report.
Average customer sale: 15.40
Max customer sale: 21.00
Total customer sale (without tax): 30.80
Total daily sales: 32.65
Tax: 1.85
Discount: 2.20
but for the last lines my code gives
Average customer sale: 25.40
Max customer sale: 21.00
Total customer sale (without tax): 50.80
Total daily sales: 32.65
Tax: 2.39
Discount: 19.80
with the rest being correct. I think it has something to do with my calculation of the discount as that is the biggest outlier but still not sure.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
char customerOrquit, bookCover, discount; //setting var
int customer, books;
float bookCost, bookCostd, bookCostTotal, bookCostTotal2,bookCostTotal3, salesTotal ,salesTotal2 ,maxSale ,averageSale, discountTotal, tax,taxtotal;
tax = 0;
taxtotal = 0;
customer = 0;
discountTotal = 0;
salesTotal = 0; //initializing var
salesTotal2 = 0;
maxSale = 0;
averageSale = 0;
bookCost = 0;
bookCostd = 0;
bookCostTotal = 0;
bookCostTotal2 = 0;
bookCostTotal3 = 0;
customerOrquit = 'c';
discount = 'd';
while (customerOrquit != 'q' && customerOrquit != 'Q') //outer while
cout << "Welcome to Book Store." << endl << "Enter \"c\" to checkout a new customer, or \"q\" to close batch and print a daily report." << endl;
cin >> customerOrquit;
if (customerOrquit == 'C' || customerOrquit == 'c') //if close or not
books = 0;
bookCostTotal = 0;
bookCostTotal2 = 0;
bookCost = 0;
bookCostd = 0;
while (customerOrquit == 'c' || customerOrquit == 'C')
cout << "Customer " << customer << endl << "Enter the cost of book: " << endl;
cin >> bookCost;
cout << "Enter \"h\" for HARD COPY, any other key for PAPER_COPY: " << endl;
cin >> bookCover;
if (bookCover == 'h' || bookCover == 'H')
bookCost = bookCost + 5;
bookCost = bookCost + 2;
cout << "Enter \"d\" if customer receives a discount, any other key if they don't: " << endl;
cin >> discount;
if (discount == 'd' || discount == 'D')
bookCostd = bookCost * .9;
bookCostTotal = bookCostd + bookCostTotal;
discountTotal = bookCostd + discountTotal;
bookCostTotal3 = bookCostd + bookCostTotal3;
bookCostTotal3 = bookCost + bookCostTotal3;
bookCostTotal = bookCost + bookCostTotal;
bookCostTotal2 = bookCostTotal2 + bookCost;
cout << "Enter \"c\" to check out another book, any other key to total Customer 1:" << endl;
cin >> customerOrquit;
tax = bookCostTotal * .06;
taxtotal = tax + taxtotal;
if (customerOrquit != 'c' && customerOrquit != 'C')
cout << "Customer " << customer << endl << "Total books checked out: " << books
<< endl << "Total before tax and discount: " << bookCostTotal2 << endl << "Total Sale for Customer 1: " << tax + bookCostTotal << endl;
bookCostTotal = bookCostTotal * 1.06;
salesTotal2 = bookCostTotal + salesTotal2;
salesTotal = bookCostTotal3 + salesTotal;
if (maxSale < bookCostTotal2)
maxSale = bookCostTotal2;
averageSale = salesTotal / customer;
cout << "Average customer sale : " << averageSale << endl;
cout << "Max customer sale: " << maxSale << endl;
cout << "Total customer sale (without tax): " << salesTotal << endl;
cout << "Total daily sales: " << salesTotal2 << endl;
cout << "Tax: " << taxtotal << endl;
cout << "Discount: " << discountTotal << endl;
return 0;
Thank you for any possible help