so i dont understand this part . is the program asking to have premade bank account holders or when user enters information through that the program runs
Now you will create a banking app that uses an array to handle multiple accounts.
Your application will simulate a bank with multiple accounts.
Create an array of 5 Account objects (or more if you want)
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Use parameterized constructor to initialize these 5 accounts (you choose names,
account numbers, PIN, balance).
[you should check and make sure you can print all the data in your bank array]
Your app will prompt for an account number. You must search the bank array to find
the positon of the matching object in the array in order to do transactions on this
account. Create a function to do this (an “app” function, NOT a class function):
Sounds like you need to create a class that is a bank account. The class should store account holder's name, an account number, a pin number, and balance.
Then make a constructor that fills in all this information.
Next create an array of 5 accounts.
Then make a function that searches through the array until it finds the matching account and allows you to work with the account.