Good places to self teach C++

I'm looking to teach myself C++, and I'm looking for some free online resources to help me on my way. Any good youtube series/websites will do :)

I've created a few basic programs like Hello World, and am now getting around to learning about the user inputs and operations etc..

Thanks in advance :)
Any good youtube series/websites will do :)

IMO, youtube is probably the worst way to try to learn programming. Invest in a good book, or better yet several good books, you'll be better served.

Like @jlb, I'd prefer books to YouTube videos any day. (The only YouTube video I have ever found remotely "useful" - as opposed to entertaining - was a manufacturer's video on how to replace the door on a particular washing machine: c++ can do many things, but not that - yet).

So, books:
Choose a book that has coverage of C++11 at least.

Practice by writing code - depends what your background is, but if you are a university student in maths, science or engineering there are plenty of examples.

Once you are writing code, you will need a reference:

Look at other people's code ... e.g. in this forum.

Strangely, I found it useful to consider ... I can do this in programming language X, how do I do it in C++? Obviously requires previous programming experience in some language.

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closed account (E0p9LyTq)
If you want to learn on-line, a decent from-the-ground-up site is:
closed account (E0p9LyTq)
Look at other people's code ... e.g. in this forum.

I spend a lot of time reading others' questions and seeing the code people provide to help. Many people provide code examples that I first scratch my head over, then I test it out. While looking at references that give more depth to the algorithm or language feature. Lots more samples to test.

Eventually I get my brain wrapped around the concept.
closed account (E0p9LyTq)
If reading and learning from books is your thing, here's a somewhat out-dated list of the types of books you should look at buying:
closed account (E0p9LyTq)
A few minutes ago I saw this news item in my Visual Studio Developer's news section:

C++17 books. I can't say if they are good or not, but there are books out now.

^I can't recommend this site enough.
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