linked lists problem...


I am trying to create an alphabetical list from given book titles using strcmp and I can't figure out how to call the compareTo function I've created, or what to use as the parameter. I know it is supposed to be a Book...but I'm lost.

Most of this program was given - my assignment is to create a compareTo function in Book, insert and delet functions in Booklist and use lib.cpp to test.

i am stuck on compareTo - I can't figure out how to pass the next Book title to compare with current title.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "BookList.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Creates a BookList object, adds several books to the list,
// then prints them.

//Initializes new list
char list[2048];

//Creates empty list - books points to new Booklist object.
BookList *books = new BookList();

books->insert (new Book("F Title"));
books->insert (new Book("D Title"));
books->insert (new Book("G Title"));
books->insert (new Book("A Title"));
books->insert (new Book("E Title"));
books->insert (new Book("H Title"));

cout << "After inserts:\n";
cout << books->getBookList(list) << endl;;

books->delet (new Book("A Title"));
books->delet (new Book("H Title"));
books->delet (new Book("G Title"));
books->delet (new Book("E Title"));

cout << "After deletes:\n";
cout << books->getBookList(list) << endl;;

books->insert (new Book("A Title"));
books->insert (new Book("E Title"));
books->insert (new Book("H Title"));
books->insert (new Book("G Title"));

cout << "After 2nd inserts:\n";
cout << books->getBookList(list) << endl;

return 0;

#include <cstring>

// Book.h
// Represents a single book.

class Book

Book () {};
Book (char *newTitle)
strcpy( title, newTitle );

int compareTo(const char *nextTitle)
return strcmp(title, nextTitle);

char *getBook()
return title;
char title[81];

// BookList.h
// Represents a collection of books.
#include "Book.h"

class BookNode {
// Sets up the node
BookNode() { };
BookNode(Book *theBook) {
book = theBook;
next = NULL;
friend class BookList;

Book *book;
BookNode *next;

class BookList {

// Sets up an initially empty list of books.
//void add(Book *);
char* getBookList(char *);
void insert(Book *);
void delet(Book *);

BookList() {
head = NULL;

BookNode *head;

// BookList.cpp
// Represents a collection of books.
#include "BookList.h"

// Inserts a new Book object into linked list alphabetically.
// -book gets made (head is set to null)
// -node is new book title
// -current is declared
// -
void BookList::insert(Book *newBook)
BookNode *node = new BookNode(newBook);
BookNode *current;
Book compCall;

if (head == NULL)
head = node;
current = head;

if (compCall.compareTo(current->book->getBook()) == -1) //current book < next book
current->next = node;
while (compCall.compareTo(current->book->getBook()) == 1) //current book > next book
current = current->next;
current->next = node;

// Returns this list of books as a string.
char *BookList::getBookList(char *list) {

list[0] = '\0';
BookNode *current = head;

while (current != NULL) {
strcat( list, current->book->getBook() );
strcat( list, "\n" );
current = current->next;

return list;
// Deletes specified books from list.
void BookList::delet(Book *newBook)
BookNode *node = new BookNode(newBook);
BookNode *current = NULL;
BookNode *previous;

* Visit each node, maintaining a pointer to
* the previous node we just visited.
for (current = head; current != NULL; previous = current, current = current->next)

if (current == node) { /* Found it. */
if (head == NULL)
/* Fix beginning pointer. */
node = current->next;
* Fix previous node's next to
* skip over the removed node.


delete current; /* Deallocate the node. */

getBook() returns a pointer to the string that you would pass to compareTo().
omg, thankyou!

I can now rejoin the living.

I compile. Logic is wrong, but I think I can figure it out from here.
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