I want to check if the input in argv is contains only the arguments in this array
char validCharacters[] = ".,‐+eE0123456789";
For instance argv[1] is only valid if it contains the characters in the previous array. If it doesn't , the input is invalid and one must display "X".
This is what i have so far. Getting error with strcmp function.
wrong function. strcmp compares 2 strings, for example is "bob" == to "bob". You don't have that scenario, you have an 'is this in that' scenario.
here is a really simple way to do this.
bool is_legal[256] = {false};
is_legal['.'] = true;
...//assign all the rest, you can do the numbers in a loop to save tedium
for(i = '0'; i<='9'; i++)
is_legal[i] = true;
and so on.
now just parse your string:
bool check = true;
for(i = 0; i < strlen(argv[1]; i++)
check = check&&is_legal[argv[1][i]];
if(check)... etc
I think there is a function that can check for whether a string has only legal floating point symbols in it built into the language.... you are probably re-creating the wheel here.
you can also shovel argv[1] into a c++ string variable
string argv1 = argv[1];
and use modern code instead of C if you want to. I think its overkill, but if you don't know C strings very well its a better solution than trying to learn the C functions.
and if what you are doing is what i think you are doing, you can do something like this (shamefully stolen from web. I don't do much interface to humans, so validation is safely ignored here).
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bool is_numeric (std::string const & str)
auto result = double();
auto i = std::istringstream(str);
i >> result;
i >> std::ws;
return !i.fail() && i.eof();