when is calculate manually using calculator 365.25 x 2009 = 733787.25
but when in c++ the answer is 12891. why it be like that and how i can get answer using c++ is 733787.25 .......pls help me
this my coding:
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream.h>
int dd,mm,yyyy,mmN,yyyyN,B,A,C,D,Cc;
char cal;
const double pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 ;
double JD;
cout << "\n Date of Observation [ddmmyyyy]: ";
cin >> dd >> mm >> yyyy;
if ( dd >= 15 && mm >= 10 && yyyy >= 1582 ) goto cal;
if (mm <= 2)
yyyyN = yyyy - 1;
mmN = mm + 12;
A = yyyyN / 100;
and B = 2 - A + (A/4);
and C = 365.25 * yyyyN ;
and D = 30.6001 * ( mmN + 1 );
Might have something to do with it, considering that all those variables are ints. I recommend you try doubles, and remember to add decimal points to any numbers that don't have them when you change.
It seems that you mean that you fill in 2010 in yyyy and get 2009 in yyyN. C = 365.25 * yyyyN ;
(just like albatros said)
First of all, the outcome that you expect, 733787.25, could not be hold in an int variable, like C. You might want to declare C as a double or float.
Second of all, I don't remember the order in which the number should be converted with arithmetic operations between integral and non-integral types, but at least on this example you will have lost of precision anyway ;P.