I am new at c++ so I don't know what I'm missing. The program just asks for the pay rate, wage, and hours worked. However it does not print the inputted values in format, it just prints 0.00 0.00 0.00. It might be that I'm using the function call wrong or something like that, I was following the instructions in the function tutorial.
They'd tell you that "wage" and "payRate" are actually being ignored here. That statement is equivalent to return hoursWorked;
You can confirm this if you'd cout the value for "z" in main() -- z is set to whatever is entered for hoursWorked.
To return multiple items, you'd either need to package them up into an object, or turn your parameters into references (latter option you could make the function void).
Edit: also be consistent with the order of your parameters. You've changed the order like 3-4 times across your function calls, cin order, and cout order.
Also realized that you don't actually need to take wage as third parameter -- this is calculated.
Here are examples for the two possibilities I mentioned -- [1] returns a struct containing the three pieces, and [2] writes to the object references passed in from main as parameters: