NMNX 100pts for NSA/EQUILIBR 100pts

Pages: 12
1 0 AC
1 1 AC
1 2 AC
Subtask Score: 20.00% Result - AC
2 3 AC
2 4 AC
2 5 AC
2 6 AC
2 7 AC
Subtask Score: 80.00% Result - AC
Total Score = 100.00%

I am only looking for valuable hints and not the code/pseudocode and will be giving you the same in return. Please PM me the hint for NSA and I will give you MNMX
It's turned into cheaters' corner.
@tpb yep it has.
@tpb but I don't think that giving/asking hints which are not revealing the entire solution is wrong...I am not asking/giving the whole logic or code or pseudocode...Hence, i wouldn't exactly call it "cheating".
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@arnavsinha...PM me the hints for NSA amd i will get you 100pts in NMNX
@Sonalrani I have already solved nmnx
but I don't think that giving/asking hints which are not revealing the entire solution is wrong

Then why are you doing it in PM? You're doing it secretly because you know you have something to hide.
How is that any different from what you're doing? Why is it OK for you to get a hint from someone else, but not for a third person also to get the benefit of that hint?
This hypothetical person is getting no more information for free than you are. If the "hint" is really just a hint, then they will have to do the same amount of work as you to turn it into an actual solution. And if the "hint" is really a full solution that someone else can just take and use wothout doing any work, then you are cheating more than you've admitted here.
The purpose of this forum is so that people can learn from each other. That means not just anwwering each other's questions, but sharing code so that other readers can learn as well. The "price" of getting help from people here, is that your questions, and the answers that you get, become part of the resources available for other people to learn from.

Hiding your code, and hiding the answers you get, is a selfish abuse of this forum.
That answer makes no sense at all. How can anyone learn from this thread if all the actual useful content is being sent via PM? You're just saying any old nonsense in the hope that it will deflect from the facts that:

(a) You're being dishonest in the way you're participating in this contest, and you know it
(b) You're abusing this forum, contributing nothing.

Spoiler alert: it isn't working.

EDIT: Don't take this personally. The same is true of all of you horde of people coming in here to use this forum to try and cheat your way through the contest.
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Mikeboy i dont think that we owe you an explanation for our actions...there is no need to attack us...if you feel that we are cheating then thats fine...we have spent hours and days on problems and even after failing that,we are asking for hints...if you think this thread is full of cheaters then please leave and let us help each other out
Some of you are asking for hints, and other are asking - or offering - to share complete solutions.

I'll decide for myself which threads I do and don't post to, but it's kind of you to offer advice.
i agree wiht @MikeyBoy...but sometimes if som1 have got problem in particular section then they should probably PM as trying to explain that particular problem may give more han just hints to others!!! and if somebody is sharing the whole code then it is their problem!!! so chill buddies and be honest with urselves :)
"I'll decide for myself which threads I do and don't post to"...
Similarly, I would like to decide for myself what I want to discuss openly on the forum and what I would want to discuss in PM's.
And, indeed, you'll decide for yourself whether to be a parasitic leech, taking what you can from this forum and giving nothing back.

Just know that that's what you - all of you who are doing this - are.
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I think that there is nothing wrong with asking for complete solution examples. That is a good way to learn. Most coders will share their knowledge with others as well as get guidance when needed. This is not cheating. This is the wonderful world of computer coding. The herd is, after all, only as strong as the weakest member.
@MikeyBoy yeah I will decide it...Thanks for your concern...

I hope you are aware that these questions are from a rated competitive programming contest that is currently live.
Similarly, I would like to decide for myself what I want to discuss openly on the forum and what I would want to discuss in PM's.

@MikeyBoy hit the nail on the head.
Certainly you understand that a post which asks for relevant information in a PM is utterly useless to everyone other than the OP.

This forum isn't here to benefit you in particular. If you're going to use this site, you should make sure what you post is useful to the community. Failing to do this makes the forum worse.

If you have information you can't share, you need to find another place to discuss it.

I have half a mind to solve the problem set myself and post it here. Maybe that would get rid of some of the leeches.
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Pages: 12