Project Layout/Visualization programs

Hey, first post here.

I've recently begun a relatively large project and I am looking for a program that can help me organize a large amount of classes into a format that allows me to visualize certain things like inheritance.

One of the reasons I ask is that, when I used to program in Java, there was this program called BlueJ which keeps a diagram of your program for you to manipulate.
I thought this was a really good idea and I enjoyed being able to visualize my project that way.

Here is a screenshot of BlueJ:

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has heard of a program that would allow me to do this easily, or maybe a plugin for an IDE (I am using NetBeans right now). Or, better yet, if you guys have ever had the urge to layout a project like this, how did you go about it?

Thanks in advance for any responses.
This is a screenshot from Visual C++ 2008 (you should consider using it. It's very good, and free).

Not sure if it's as detailed as BlueJ is about it but it definitely gives a quick, easy layout of everything. I've actually never had a use for it but I assume it would work for you.

If you want just a quick, primitive way of doing it, then while your setting up your classes, pull out a sticky note and just create a collage of stickies. You could put them in the form of a tree, showing inheritance (friend classes branching off from the root class)
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