Your code is long and complicated for what it actually does - and therein, I suspect, lies the real problem. I don't have hard preferences either way between switch or a chain of if ... else if statements: I don't think that is a major problem.
Here are a few general suggestions.
(1) TBH, I was quite surprised when your code actually compiled. Your indentation is really incoherent. Try to lay the code out in a structured way. Blocks of code should be (consistently) indented. Where, for example, do the blocks starting on lines 28 and 31 terminate? - not where my eyes first told me that they did at any rate.
(2) There is a huge amount of repetition. Take, for example, lines 42-44, 65-67, 86-88. Do you really have to write the same thing 3 times? Refactor your code.
(3) You keep having to consider multiple choices to allow for the user entering an answer in either lower or upper case. But if you wrote
package = tolower( package );
immediately after reading it in then you would only have to consider the lower-case choice each time. See
(4) Stroustrup's book has some sound advice - if you can't display a single function in a single text window ... then it is probably too long. You have a single function - int main() - and it is 95 lines long. Break your code up into functions. Also, some of the calculations look very similar, just with different parameters: a single function, called with different values of the parameters, might suffice.
(5) You have a lot of "magic numbers" - hard-coded specific values like 5000, 10000 - in hard-to-find segments of code. Suppose the ISP company decided to change a particular limit (mine does, far too regularly!) It would then have to scan through all the code, hopefully finding all values (and not touching others), but it would be very easy to make mistakes here. Any specific numbers like this should be assigned to informative variables, just once, somewhere near the start of the code. Then refer only to those variables later in the code.