zwhere does he compiler save the exe file

I want to create a folder of exe files I have programmed as I go through my studied. I am using visual studio 2017.
Hello ekurburski,

I too use VS. When you have a program that is finished if you have changed the output form "Debug" to "Release" you will find the file in the first sub-directory the one that has the sub-directories "Debug" "sub-directory of project name, same name as you are in,", "Release" and the files that end in ".sln", ".VC.db" and ".VC.VC.opendb". Use this "Release" sub-directory to find your ".exe" file and move or copy it to where you want. Copy is probably the best choice. As an idea for me the path is C:\Users\Owner\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Project Name.

You could go through the properties page for each project an figure out where to change where you output ".exe" ends up, but it is just easier to copy and paste to where you need or as I have create a desk to shortcut which means you do not have to change the files location. I have even created a folder to place some of the short cuts to programs I have made. It works just fine.

Hope that helps,

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