How can I write this program?

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Write a program that uses an arry to store a series of integers. The program should prompt the user to enter elements into the array. It should then perform operations to manipulate the elements of the array through specific functions.

*Note that if the array is modified in any way the program should re-display the contents of the array" Moreover, Declare any array of integers of some pre-defined maximum size. You are free to decide the size of the array. but all elements of the array should initialize to zero " should include input() display() statistics() count() search() replace() modify() clear() <<< functions

Lastly, write the code to control the execution of the program and to test each operation of the array within the body of the main() function" Thank you!

(Here are some screenshots of the assignment and the instructions that i need help with)

Thank you.

Hello ryan157,

This looks like another topic I have seen. Turns out it was yours. Start with reading and decide which of these topics you will stay with.

Put a green check on the subject you will no longer follow.

To start with show me a program that prints the menu.

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