VS 2017 community

I am just asking these questions in head of time:

1)Will I be able to include Graphic.h in a project with VS community 2017?.
2)If this can be done would you explain it, and give me some tips on what I need to do.

Hello, the graphics.h library is an old one and I suggest using something a little newer even for simple graphics applications. A good option available is SFML (https://www.sfml-dev.org/), it's incredibly easy to use and it's cross platform. You can probably get a 2D game up and running within 15 minutes using SFML. You can also use WinAPI which you can access by including the windows.h header file. However, WinAPI is not as straightforward as SFML and it's not platform-independent either. This forum has a section for WinAPI. For more advanced and lower-level graphics, you can look into OpenGL or Vulkan, these are not as easy to setup and get started with right away if you haven't written any OpenGL or Vulkan code before which I assume you hadn't yet. However, they are extremely good graphics APIs that people use to write complex applications (like game engines) that run on a variety of platforms. If you're serious about graphics programming then you have to at least try out OpenGL at some point but for now I'd recommend SFML or WinAPI.
Something close to graphics.h is WinBGI.

Another option is MFC

Or the Windows API Uk Marine entioned
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