cryptogear encryption algorithm

hey, im very new to c++ and i keep getting errors when i try to run this code in visual c++ , im also unsure if it should be a win console application or a win desktop application? errors below are from running it in console app

#include <windows.h> // For memcpy
#include "CryptoGear.h"

// Constructor.
CCryptoGear::CCryptoGear(unsigned char* pKey, unsigned int lenKey, unsigned char ModeOfOperation, unsigned char InitializationVector)
Initialize(pKey, lenKey, ModeOfOperation, InitializationVector);

// Overloaded costructor with no arguments.
// Must manually initialize keystream.

// Cipher Initialization.
// Generates keystream and set mode of operation.
void CCryptoGear::Initialize(unsigned char* pKey, unsigned int lenKey, unsigned char ModeOfOperation,unsigned char InitializationVector)
m_ModeOfOperation = ModeOfOperation;

unsigned int i;

for (i = 0; i < m_lenKeystream; i++)
m_KeyStream[i] = i + InitializationVector;

for (i = 0; i < m_lenKeystream; i++)
// xor initial keystream element value(0 - 255) with corresponding byte from key offset
m_KeyStream[i] ^= (lenKey + pKey[i % lenKey]) % 256;

void CCryptoGear::Encrypt(unsigned char pData[], unsigned long lenData)
unsigned long Offset;
unsigned char KeyStream[m_lenKeystream];

//Create a local copy of the original KeyStream.
memcpy(KeyStream, m_KeyStream, m_lenKeystream * sizeof(unsigned char));

// Calculate padding
unsigned char extra = lenData % 4;
// If plain-text data size is not a multiple of block size,
// then we must add a temporary padding (will be removed after finishing encrypting)
if (extra)
extra = 4 - extra;
lenData += extra;
pData = (unsigned char*)realloc(pData, lenData);

//Encrypt the data.
for (Offset = 0; Offset < lenData; Offset = Offset + 4)
pData[Offset] ^= KeyStream[Offset % m_lenKeystream];
pData[(Offset + 1) % lenData] += (pData[Offset] + KeyStream[ (Offset + 1) % m_lenKeystream]) % 256;
pData[(Offset + 2) % lenData] += (pData[(Offset + 1) % lenData] - KeyStream[ (Offset + 2) % m_lenKeystream]) % 256;
pData[(Offset + 3) % lenData] += (pData[(Offset + 2) % lenData] ^ KeyStream[ (Offset + 3) % m_lenKeystream]) % 256;

if (m_ModeOfOperation == MODE_CBC)
if (Offset > 0)
// xor block with previous block.
pData[Offset] ^= (pData[(Offset - 4) % lenData]) % 256;
pData[(Offset + 1) % lenData] ^= (pData[(Offset - 3) % lenData]) % 256;
pData[(Offset + 2) % lenData] ^= (pData[(Offset - 2) % lenData]) % 256;
pData[(Offset + 3) % lenData] ^= (pData[(Offset - 1) % lenData]) % 256;

// keystream elements used in this block are shifted.
// This way on next key round the corresponding keystream byte will be different.
for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 4; i++)
KeyStream[(Offset + i) % m_lenKeystream] += pData[(Offset + i) % lenData] % 256;

// Remove padding.
if (extra)
lenData -= extra;
pData = (unsigned char*)realloc(pData, lenData);

void CCryptoGear::Decrypt(unsigned char pData[], unsigned long lenData)
unsigned char KeyStream[m_lenKeystream];
unsigned long Offset;
unsigned char a, b, c, d;
unsigned char e, f, g, h;
unsigned char i, j, k;

//Create a local copy of the original keystream.
memcpy(KeyStream, m_KeyStream, m_lenKeystream * sizeof(unsigned char));

// Calculate padding
unsigned char extra = lenData % 4;
// If data size is not a multiple of block size,
// then we must temporarely add padding (will be removed after finishing decryption)
if (extra)
extra = 4 - extra;
lenData += extra;
pData = (unsigned char*)realloc(pData, lenData);

//Decrypt the data.
for (Offset = 0; Offset < lenData; Offset = Offset + 4)
if (m_ModeOfOperation == MODE_CBC)
// Save original encrypted bytes, used for key shifting later
a = pData[Offset];
b = pData[(Offset + 1) % lenData];
c = pData[(Offset + 2) % lenData];
d = pData[(Offset + 3) % lenData];

// Do from second cycle
if (Offset > 0)
// xor block with previous block
pData[Offset] ^= e % 256;
pData[(Offset + 1) % lenData] ^= f % 256;
pData[(Offset + 2) % lenData] ^= g % 256;
pData[(Offset + 3) % lenData] ^= h % 256;

// Store encrypted bytes of this block for next cycle
e = a;
f = b;
g = c;
h = d;

// Save xored bytes (or original encrypted bytes if we are using ECB).
// With those we can shift back keystream operations and obtain clear-text.
i = pData[Offset];
j = pData[(Offset + 1) % lenData];
k = pData[(Offset + 2) % lenData];

pData[Offset] ^= KeyStream[Offset % m_lenKeystream];
pData[(Offset + 1) % lenData] -= (i + KeyStream[(Offset + 1) % m_lenKeystream]) % 256;
pData[(Offset + 2) % lenData] -= (j - KeyStream[(Offset + 2) % m_lenKeystream]) % 256;
pData[(Offset + 3) % lenData] -= (k ^ KeyStream[(Offset + 3) % m_lenKeystream]) % 256;

if (m_ModeOfOperation == MODE_CBC)
// Values of KeyStream elements used in this block are modified.
// This way on each key round the corresponding key byte will be different.
KeyStream[Offset % m_lenKeystream] += a;
KeyStream[(Offset + 1) % m_lenKeystream] += b;
KeyStream[(Offset + 2) % m_lenKeystream] += c;
KeyStream[(Offset + 3) % m_lenKeystream] += d;

// Remove padding.
if (extra)
lenData -= extra;
pData = (unsigned char*)realloc(pData, lenData);

iv added the header to the project ect, these are the errors i get

1. E1696 cannot open source file "CryptoGear.h" ConsoleApplication3 c:\Users\username\source\repos\ConsoleApplication3\ConsoleApplication3\ConsoleApplication3.cpp 6

2.E0276 name followed by '::' must be a class or namespace name ConsoleApplication3 c:\Users\username\source\repos\ConsoleApplication3\ConsoleApplication3\ConsoleApplication3.cpp 10

3.E0020 identifier "Initialize" is undefined ConsoleApplication3 c:\Users\username\source\repos\ConsoleApplication3\ConsoleApplication3\ConsoleApplication3.cpp 12

4.E0276 name followed by '::' must be a class or namespace name ConsoleApplication3 c:\Users\username\source\repos\ConsoleApplication3\ConsoleApplication3\ConsoleApplication3.cpp 18

5. E0020 identifier "m_ModeOfOperation" is undefined ConsoleApplication3 c:\Users\username\source\repos\ConsoleApplication3\ConsoleApplication3\ConsoleApplication3.cpp 26

and about 20 more errors, if someone could get back to me with advise id appreciate it.

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In general you want to wrap all code in [ code ] ... [ /code ] tags (no spaces between brackets).

In this case the problem is more about including the header. Guessing the header is not in same directory as the .cpp , or is not in a directory pulled in by included directories.
you can explicitly add the folder where the headers are to the project under the project area. That is probably the best approach here.
thanks alot guys it was the header youre right :) thanks i appreciate it!
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