need help with c++ code

hello need some help with fixing this c++ app it parses the values from a txt file that has bytes and parses into database values I need the app to be alterd so it parses the new bytes ,The new bytes have the 00 bytes removed this is the old bytes ive spaced the-----00----- to show which ones need to be ignored or added to the new bytes or some tool that could go through the big txt file and add the 00 the code to the app is at bottom im not sure where it finds the 00 to skip in the c++ code

old bytes
00 07------00-------00 0A 06 50-------00--------00 0B 16 82 01-------00-------14 0C 16-------00--------6A 00--------00 00---------00 15 0C 18 --------00---------00 16 0C 17--------00-------00 19 0C 1A-------00--------- 00 1C 09 B8 00

new bytes which need them 00 adding or skiping in the app code below
00 07 00 0A 06 50 00 0B 16 82 01 14 0C 16 6A 00 00 15 0C 18 00 16 0C 17 00 19 0C 1A 00 1C 09 B8 00

is there a tool that could parse and add 00 bytes to were I want them
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are these fixed width entries?
if so, just use _snprintf(srh, 6, "%02X%04X",z,i); modify that line to read all the hex into variables and process it from there, is that doable? It seems like its doing too much work.

if it helps I don't think its finding the zeros to skip. I think its naturally skipping them due to them being zero as an intentional side effect. Not 100% sure, though, its a little hard to read.
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hi what do I modify it to as I don't know c++ do u have Skype ? can you pm your Skype if you have one ?
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