Should I used “dynamic allocating array” or “Vector”?

just read about Vector and it’s basically an improved array?
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Hello BambiWithPMS,

Yes this is true. At its core it is still an array, but an array that has many features, i.e., member functions, that a C style array does not have.

One of the big differences that a vector has is that you only use what you need. Generally with any of the other types of arrays; C style, C++ std::array, C lists you will have to set a size larger than you need and keep track of what you use. I may be a little off with the std::array and list because I do not use them that often.

When I first started learning C++ syntax vector was one of the first new containers I tried. After a short time I would prefer to use a vector over an array.

Personally I would stay away from dynamically allocating an array because when you are done with the array you need to remember to free the memory.

Hope that helps,

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