Trouble using getline() and storing input till later use.

I am writing a class that uses an input facilitator function that will be used in another program to read from a .txt file. The .txt file reads as string (space) string (tab) string (tab) int (space) int (space) int. The issue I am having is that the string separated by the tabs is sometimes two strings, such as "Rhode Island" and I need to be able to read the lines and not have it read (tab) Rhode (tab) Island etc. Below is what I have currently for my input function that uses '\t' as the delimiter:

void State::input(istream& in) {
string info;
getline(in, info, '\t');
istream& operator >> (istream& in, State& st) {
return in;

The issue I am having is how exactly I can use this in coordination with this code from the second program:

State state;
while (fin >> state)
cout << endl;

After this call the second program outputs the information but uses my default constructor and none of the information from the .txt file.

Any help appreciated, thanks.

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