Hey I would like to ask how can I get a random subfunction to open when I click a button.
Like using subfunctions to display different text everytime you press that button
Sorry for the capitals in the code im using my phone
What I have for now
It always shows all the functions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
void ExploreFiore()
int randf[4] = {AngryErza(),MeetNatsu(),MeetGray(),MeetLucy()}
Int randindex = rand() % 4;
are you wanting to call a random function from a set?
you can do this with function pointers, which it looks like you are already attempting. Is that what you want to see, such that
randf[index] actually calls a function?
I am not sure what you are saying it is doing. It should just write out one integer from this code snip.
ok. I dislike function pointers, so personally I would do this:
int rndsel = rand()% 4; //consider making 4 a constant somewhere.
switch (rndsel)
case 1: MeetGray(); break;
case 2: MeetNatsu(); break;
... etc
; //this can't actually happen, because math, but you always want a default. Maybe put an error message here just for posterity.
there are several other ways to do this, depending on what you have. As I said, function pointer can do it, but that is kind of c-ish and avoidable. If the functions are simple and just print a few canned strings and read a response, you can drop the strings into a container and have a single function handle them in a reusable manner. But if there are different logical constructs etc this may not work. You can also do it with object oriented coding in various ways, such as a top class that inherits a conversation (this is like the container/function approach, but you can make a conversation as complex as needed with some effort). Just some ideas depending on where your game is going and what design fits your goals.