I am getting an error in the int main section of the code beloww (I've written the error as a comment//). I am afraid that I haven't been able to figure out where this primary expression should be. I've tried various different forms.
Thank you,
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
class badger_susceptible{
int& AdMs,AdFs,JuvMs,JuvFs,CubMs,CubFs; //variables need updating each step
badger_susceptible(); //constructor
double Birth (float& B); //function updated with each time step
double Death (float& D); // function updated with each time step
double Immig (float& Imigration);// function updated with each time step
double Emig (float& Emigration);// function updated with each time step
double SE (float StoE) const {return StoE;} // return badger s to e, constant values
double EI (float EtoI) const {return EtoI;} // return badger s to e, constant values
double JuvAdult (float& JuvtoAdult); // function updated with each time step
double CubJuv (float& CubtoJuv); // function updated with each time step
~badger_susceptible(); //destructor