cout array to screen

I am trying to get the values in my array to print to the screen. When I do the step in debugging it looks like the values are going into the array okay. How do I print each item of the array to the screen? Below is my code. Thank you for your help.

// This file implements the List class member functions
// List representation: a one-dimensional array and a length
// variable
#include "list.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

ifstream inData; //File of values.
List value; //List of values from file.
int item; //One value read.

// Private members of class:
// int length; Length of the list
// ItemType data[MAX_LENGTH]; Array holding the list items

int main()
if( !inData)
cout << "Could not open int.dat file." << endl;
return 1;

cout << item << endl;


// Constructor

// Postcondition:
// length == 0

length = 0;


bool List::IsEmpty() const

// Reports whether list is empty

// Postcondition:
// Function value == true, if length == 0
// == false, otherwise

return (length == 0);


bool List::IsFull() const

// Reports whether list is full

// Postcondition:
// Function value == true, if length == MAX_LENGTH
// == false, otherwise

return (length == MAX_LENGTH);


int List::Length() const

// Returns current length of list

// Postcondition:
// Function value == length

return length;


void List::Insert( /* in */ ItemType item )

// Inserts item into the list

// Precondition:
// length < MAX_LENGTH
// && item is assigned
// Postcondition:
// data[length@entry] == item
// && length == length@entry + 1

data[length] = item;


void List::Delete( /* in */ ItemType item )

// Deletes item from the list, if it is there

// Precondition:
// length > 0
// && item is assigned
// Postcondition:
// IF item is in data array at entry
// First occurrence of item is no longer in array
// && length == length@entry - 1
// length and data array are unchanged

int index = 0; // Index variable

while (index < length && item != data[index])

if (index < length)
{ // Remove item
data[index] = data[length-1];


bool List::IsPresent( /* in */ ItemType item ) const

// Searches the list for item, reporting whether it was found

// Precondition:
// item is assigned
// Postcondition:
// Function value == true, if item is in data[0..length-1]
// == false, otherwise

int index = 0; // Index variable

while (index < length && item != data[index])
return (index < length);


void List::Reset()
// Postcondition:
// Iteration is initialized
currentPos = 0;


ItemType List::GetNextItem()
// Precondition:
// No transformers have been invoked since last call
// Postcondition:
// Returns item at the currentPos@entry in the list and
// resets current to next position or first position if
// last item is returned
ItemType item;
item = data[currentPos];
if (currentPos == length - 1)
currentPos = 0;
return item;


void List::SelSort()

// Sorts list into ascending order

// Postcondition:
// data array contains the same values as data@entry, rearranged
// into ascending order

ItemType temp; // Temporary variable
int passCount; // Loop control variable
int searchIndx; // Loop control variable
int minIndx; // Index of minimum so far

for (passCount = 0; passCount < length - 1; passCount++)

minIndx = passCount;

// Find the index of the smallest component
// in data[passCount..length-1]

for (searchIndx = passCount + 1; searchIndx < length;
if (data[searchIndx] < data[minIndx])
minIndx = searchIndx;

// Swap data[minIndx] and data[passCount]

temp = data[minIndx];
data[minIndx] = data[passCount];
data[passCount] = temp;


void List::Store(ItemType item)
//Pre: The list is not full;
//Post: item is in the list.

inData >> item;
while(inData && !value.IsFull())
inData >> item;
My eyes bleed by looking at this, sorry... Surround your code with code tags to make it more readable... ;)

How do I print each item of the array to the screen?

Your code looks rather complex, and i'm unsure if i'm actually understanding the question correctly - since the solution is rather easy :)

int myarray[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
     cout << myarray[i] << "\n";

This will print all the elements of the array, from the first, to the last.
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