Hello and happy Thanksgiving. I am trying to get my code, as shown by the comment in the while statement, to instead of reading the entire line of courses into record[count].courseCode, create a dynamic array that is sized appropriately depending on the number of courses they are enrolled in as shown in the number before the course codes.
For example:
John Milligan
3 CIS100 CIS105 MAT113
This would create a dynamic array[2] and store each course code into each member of the dynamic array. Would this require a for statement during the while statement to create a dynamic array of a certain size? Also, I would have to change the definition of my struct to: string courseCode[] to allow for an array, correct? I hope my question makes sense! Thanks for your help guys!
struct Records //struct definition
string name;
int numCourses;
string courseCode;
int main()
int size;
int count = 0;
ifstream fin;
char userChoice;\
fin >> size; //returns the first line of the document containing array size
if (!fin) {
cout << "Could not read number of students from file\n";
return 1;
fin.ignore(1000, '\n'); //ignore everything until end of line
Records* record = new Records[size]; //Dynamic allocation of array
while (count < size) { //while array is not filled and file status is good, read/store the following:
getline(fin, record[count].name);
fin >> record[count].numCourses;
getline(fin, record[count].courseCode); //this needs to store each course code into an element of array, sized determined by record[count].numCourses
I don't know if your input text file is formatted correctly but I'm going to assume that the number "12" in line 1 is not supposed to be there. Based on your example
John Milligan
3 CIS100 CIS105 MAT113
I am assuming that you first encounter the students' name then in the second line you get the numbers of classes and the class names (or class codes).
If I am interpreting all your data correctly then one of the problems with your code is that in line 18 where you have fin >> size; //returns the first line of the document containing array size
you are actually pulling in a student name.
maybe you can do something like this
1 2 3
fin >> f_Name;
fin >>l_Name;
fin >> size; // you will grab the size of the dynamic array to make
I don't know how else you plan to use the student names but reading them in as a string will technically put them in an "array" and it will stop at the end of each 1st and last name.
Hello, the 12 is supposed to be there, it signifies the amount of entries in the text document. It is read in by fin >> size; and because the document isn't closed after, it keeps reading after that with the below code which is properly storing the data.
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while (count < size) { //while array is not filled and file status is good, read/store the following:
getline(fin, record[count].name);
fin >> record[count].numCourses;
getline(fin, record[count].courseCode); //this needs to store each course code into an element of array, sized determined by record[count].numCourses
My question is, How can I, after knowing that John Milligan is taking 3 classes, make a dynamic array, classes[2], and store his classes into it.
Later I will need to pull all students pulled in CIS201 for example.
ok, You need to actually have 2 structs, they will be nested into one another.
so for example you have
student 1: Name
class: 1
class: 2
class: 3
student2: name
class: 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
struct secondStruct
string myclass;
struct Records //struct definition
string name;
int numCourses;
secondStruct courseCode[6]; // max number of classes
insert whatever name you want for "secondStruct"
*notice that courseCode "type" is secondStruct and not string anymore.
the nested struct needs to be on top of the "outer struct" so it can be found by your 1st struct.
sorry so late doing Thanksgiving stuff
also, this is just a preference but I would rename "record" to student, that way you can read thestruct Records student and it's a little less confusing.
struct myCourses //This struct in inside the one below it
string myClass;
struct Records //struct definition
string name;
int numCourses; //this number will define up to what array place courseCode prints out
myCourses courseCode[6];
ifstream fin;
int main()
int size = 0; //Size of Dynamic Array
int count = 0; // counter for index
int clssNub = 0;
char userChoice;
fin >> size; //read in 12 records just regular (keep it simple)
Records *student = new Records[size]; //make struct array 12 records total
while (count < size)
fin.ignore(1000, '\n'); //clears buffer and ready for next line of text
getline(fin, student[count].name,'\n'); //stops when it finds end of line
fin >> student[count].numCourses; //reads in # of classes (keep simple)
//uses for loop to insert classes for student
for(int ndx = 0; ndx < student[count].numCourses ; ndx++)
fin >> student[count].courseCode[ndx].myClass;
//to test the input, should print all data on each student
for(int i = 0; i < size ; i++)
cout << student[i].name <<endl;
cout << student[i].numCourses <<" ";
for(int x = 0; x < student[i].numCourses; x++)
cout << student[i].courseCode[x].myClass <<" ";
cout << endl;
return 0;
*note that I changed "Records record" to "Records student"
also, I made an array for courseCode[6] six total classes max, change this if a student can take on more classes, on a small file this should be ok, but on a larger file there probably is more effective way to save space.
I pulled line 23fin.ignore(1000, '\n');
and put it inside the loop to clear buffer each loop
added a delimiter to line 28 getline(fin, record[count].name); to getline(fin, record[count].name, '\n'); end of line \n
I got rid of line 30 fin.ignore();
changed line 31 to a for loop and used fin >> instead of getline(fin, record[count].courseCode);
instead of reading the entire line of courses into record[count].courseCode, create a dynamic array
This means the struct changes from this:
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struct Records
string name;
int numCourses;
string courseCode;
to this, note the * because courseCode is a pointer to the dynamic array:
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struct Records
string name;
int numCourses;
string* courseCode;
For example,
John Milligan
3 CIS100 CIS105 MAT113
The above example would have
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name = "John Milligan";
numCourses = 3;
courseCode = new string[3];
courseCode[0] = "CIS100";
courseCode[1] = "CIS105";
courseCode[2] = "MAT113";
The code in the program would have this sort of structure:
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fin >> record[count].numCourses;
record[count].courseCode = new string[ record[count].numCourses ];
for (int i=0; i<record[count].numCourses; i++)
fin >> record[count].courseCode[i];
It also affects the way the arrays allocated with new[] are de-allocated with delete[] at the end.
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// de-allocate the arrays when finished
for (int i=0; i<count; i++)
delete [] record[i].courseCode;
delete [] record;