User-Defined classes

Can somebody please help me write a program to analyze a file and display various statistics about it. The analysis should be performed by a class called FileAnalyzer, which accepts the file name of a file to analyze via its constructor, and has member functions returning details about it:

- GetLineCount() –returns the number of lines in the file,

-GetCharacterCount() - returns the total number of characters in the file,

-GetSpaceCount() –returns the number of space characters in the file (newline, tab, and space).

I'm sure there a quite a few people here that can help you write the code, most if not all will expect you to show effort by posting code where you're trying to solve the assignment.

I'm sorry, I understand but I'm really busy and I don't have time that's why I'm asking for your help here.
if you are too busy to write code for it, why not just open the file in something like notepad++ which will give you the answers with a little creativity. For example replace all the spaces with "#space#" in a replace all command and it will say "replaced 1023 instances" or something like that. This isnt anything that needs a program to do. Unix commandline tools can also do this, and if on windows you can use cygwin to get those working.

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